Mec 113 Basic Workshop Technology Pdf Download

Mec 113 Basic Workshop Technology Pdf Download


Mec 113 Pdf is a course offered by  year 1 semester 1 students under National diploma in mechanical engineering technology.




The need for safety Almost everyone working in a factory/school workshop has at some stage in his or her career
suffered an injury requiring some kind of treatment or first aid. It may have been a cut finger or something more serious.

He cause may have been carelessness by the victim or a colleague, defective safety equipment, not using he safety equipment provided, the true cause
was most likely a failure to think ahead.

You must learn to work safely. Your workplace will have its own safety rule so obey them at all times. Ask if you don’t understand any instruction and do report anything which seems dangerous, damaged or faulty.


Accidents result most commonly for the following reason:

Careless or hurried movement about the workshop causing collisions or knocking over of tools or materials. Careless movement is particular dangerous near machinery.

Loose clothing or long hair becoming caught in revolving parts f machines, particularly the drilling spindle.

Failing to secure work properly before commencing machining. Lack of care in handling hot metal



All injuries, no matter how slight, should be reported immediately. Breakages and all damage to equipment should be reported.

A file should never be used without a handle. The correct size and dye of smith’s tongs should be used when foxing short work.

Hot work being transferred from forge to anvils should be held downwards close to the ground, to minimize danger of burns resulting from accidental collisions with other students.

When preparing the pickle bath for cleaning copper and gilding metal, the acid must be added to the water never vice versa.


It is very important to study all the safety instructions and regulations for the work in hand, but the craftsman should be aware of safe pratice all the time.

He must study the work to be done, the environment in which it is to be done, the tools to be used and the best method to be used. He must realties what the dangers will be I he adopts a wrong and thoughtless approach.

He must always have a thoughtful and positive approach to safety for his own sake and the sake of his workmate 


To avoid injuries to yourself and your workmates on the shop floor, the following points must form part of the general code of behavior:

1. Do not act foolishly on the shop floor.
2. Do not operate machines that you have not used before without learning about them.
3. Always tidy in the workshop
4. Always protect your eyes
5. Do not wear loose clothing
6. Do not lift heavy loads
7. Always protect your feet
8. Do not use hand tools that are not in good condition
9. Make sure all moving machinery is fenced
10. Do not run in workshops
11. Do not throw tools or materials about the shop floor
12. Remember to place warning notice on faulty machines
13. Always keep away from suspended loads
14. Always cooperate with your colleagues
15. Always protect your hands. 





Mec 113 pdf Basic Workshop Technology Pdf
Year  Year I- Semester I
File Format  PDF 

Size 5MB

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