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Ramadan Day 11 Quotes, Dua And Images 2024

Ramadan Day 11 Quotes, Dua And Images 2024

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In This Article ZAMGIST have shared ramadan day 11 quotes, ramadan day 11 dua, ramadan day 11 images, ramadan day 11 pictures, ramadhan ramadan day 11, ramadan day 11 prayer, whatsapp status ramadan day 11 quotes, dua ramadan day 11, ramadan day 11 pics and ramadan day 11 message.

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Ramadan day 11 quotes

Day 11 Quote: Give To Charity
The Prophet Muhammad would take time out of his day to teach us how to be charitable and generous people.

He said, Whoever guides someone towards goodness will be rerewarded with goodness by Allah; and whoever guides someone towards misguidance will have a burden of sin like that of their misguided disciple.(Bukhari)
It’s important to give back in Ramadan with your time, money or effort.

Ramadan day 11 dua

Ya Allah, on this day, make me love goodness, and dislike corruption and disobedience, bar me from anger and the fire [of Hell], by Your help, O the helper of those who seek help.

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Ramadan day 11 images & Pictures

Ramadan Day 11 Quotes, Dua And Images 2024

Whatsapp status ramadan day 11 quotes

Ya Allah, on this day, make me love goodness, and dislike corruption and disobedience, bar me from anger and the fire [of Hell], by Your help, O the helper of those who seek help.

What to do on Day 1 of Ramadan

Recite One Juz
During the taraweeh prayers at the masjid, they recite one juz per day, but you will not understand it if you are not fluent in Arabic, so it is suggested that you read or listen to the Quran in your native language throughout the day so that if you attend taraweeh, you will know what it was about that particular day.

You will get double reward as well because not only did you listen to it in it’s revealed language, but you also understand it as well.


  • Read 4 pages of the Qur’an after every Salah.
  • Make sure you understand it.
  • 5 prayers X 4 pages = 20 pages.
  • 20 pages = about 1 juzz.
  • 1 juzz X 30 = the entire Qur’an.
