Ramadan Day 6 Quotes, Dua And Images 2024

Ramadan Day 6 Quotes, Dua And Images 2024

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In This Article ZAMGIST have shared ramadan day 6 quotes, ramadan day 6 dua, ramadan day 6 images, ramadan day 6 pictures, ramadhan ramadan day 6, ramadan day 6 prayer, whatsapp status ramadan day 6 quotes, dua ramadan day 6, ramadan day 6 pics, ramadan day 6 status and ramadan day 6 message.

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Ramadan day 6 quotes

Day 6 Quote: Fast With Love In Your Heart

Today, start by making du’aa for yourself, for your family and friends, for Muslims around you and all over the world.
Take a step back from your life and reflect on what Allah has given you – health, family, food to eat, a job (if you want one), transportation if that’s an issue.

Make sure that every thought you have is centered around mercy, compassion and gratitude to Allah. Reflect on how He can be merciful to others as He has been merciful to you.

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Ramadan day 6 dua

Ya Allah, on this day, do not let me abase myself by incurring Your disobedience, and do not strike me with the whip of Your punishment, keep me away from the causes of Your anger, by Your kindness and Your power, O the ultimate wish of those who desire

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Ramadan day 6 images & Pictures

Ramadan Day 6 Quotes, Dua And Images 2024

Ramadan day 6 Status

Ramadan day 6: Ya Allah, on this day, strengthen me in carrying out Your commands, let me taste the sweetness of Your rememberance, and grant me, through Your graciousness, that I give thanks to You.

Protect me, with Your protection and cover, O the most discerning of those who see.

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What to do on Day 1 of Ramadan

Recite One Juz
During the taraweeh prayers at the masjid, they recite one juz per day, but you will not understand it if you are not fluent in Arabic, so it is suggested that you read or listen to the Quran in your native language throughout the day so that if you attend taraweeh, you will know what it was about that particular day.

You will get double reward as well because not only did you listen to it in it’s revealed language, but you also understand it as well.


  • Read 4 pages of the Qur’an after every Salah.
  • Make sure you understand it.
  • 5 prayers X 4 pages = 20 pages.
  • 20 pages = about 1 juzz.
  • 1 juzz X 30 = the entire Qur’an.
