Neco GCE English Language question and Answer 2021

Neco GCE English Language question and Answer 2021

As a child my family moved from place to place. My mom was the backbone of are family. She worked all day and went to school at night. She believed nothing good comes easy.
Threw school we never had a home of our own. We moved from family member to friends’ homes and back again. Being the oldest I would watch my sister will my mom worked and went to school. Even after here long days she would come home and check are homework. She wanted the best for us and pushed us to do so.
When I got to high school my mom schooled paid off. We got a home for are self. I worked hard in school all the way till 11th grade. I started hanging with the wrong people and focusing on school like I should. My mom allowed me to slack and told me it was my own choice. I finished that year and had done so bad I had to take summer school. This embarrassed me. So i made the choice to loss my bad friends and to focus on my education.
After high school I went to UTI which is a tech school in Orlando. When I was there I went to school from 6am to 1pm, then I went to work at an oil changing place from 1pm to 8pm. After that I would do my homework. I also worked every weekend at a shop to gain some experience.
After school I worked for Pontiac for a year, and then I went to work for Toyota Forklift. After a year with toyoata the economy crashed and work became less and less. So I started a second job at night moving boxes in a warehouse. I worked from 6am to 12am for a year. After a year the warehouse manager asked me to take over the maintenance department, so I did.
As the year progressed I have gained more and more responsibility. I took technical classes for the conveyor systems. I am ASE certified in several things from brakes to electrical. I took electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic courses from several different companies. So now I am going back to school for a degree in advanced manufacturing. I have a good job but I am always looking to better myself.
My life has been a rollercoaster. I watched my mom struggle with work , school, and being a mother. Now she is the head of her department. To my own struggles to being the best person I can be. So this why I believed nothing good, comes esay….
He stayed in the school due encouragement given to them by their older mates that seniority is temporal.
(i) The senior students reassigns their own punishment to them
(ii) The senior students gives them condemned money to buy things for them
Everyone was busy
He has no equal
Adverbial clause of time
It modifies the verb ‘concluded’
Saka did not revenge the actions of Small Teacher
The irony is that the essence of people’s jubilation was for Saka to revenge the actions of Small Teacher but he did not.
(i) Contemplated – considered
(ii) Mutilated – damaged
(iii) Still – calm
(iv) Engrossed – Preoccupied
(v) Pandemonium – Chaos
(vi) Notorious – infamous
(i) Most mother’s are working class
(ii) Some mother’s are single mothers
(iii) Many mother’s are unlettered
(i) Some illiterate mother’s do got tutors for their children
(ii) Some educated mother’s fight hard to resist the customs that prevent them from training their sons or selling off their daughters

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