Explore the comprehensive WAEC syllabus for Mathematics 2023, along with recommended textbooks for WAEC Mathematics 2023, for exam success. Unlock your potential today.
WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2023 And Recommended Textbooks
The WAEC syllabus for Mathematics is a crucial resource for students preparing to sit for the examination.
It encompasses the aims, objectives, and format of the Mathematics exam, providing comprehensive guidance for exam preparation.
Understanding and utilizing the Mathematics syllabus is essential for students to excel in this subject.
In this article, we will delve into the significance of the syllabus, explore its contents, and provide a list of recommended West African Examination Council (WAEC) textbooks.
Let’s embark on this journey towards exam success!
Why the WAEC Mathematics Syllabus Matters
The Mathematics syllabus serves as an indispensable tool for effective exam preparation. It offers a roadmap for students, outlining the specific topics they need to study.
By following the syllabus, students gain clarity on what to prioritize and allocate their time wisely.
It provides valuable insights into the concepts that require special attention and understanding.
Approaching exam preparations without utilizing the Mathematics syllabus is akin to embarking on a farm journey without essential agricultural tools; productivity and success are compromised.
Hence, it is paramount to commence your exam preparations by thoroughly studying the syllabus.
Exploring the WAEC Syllabus for Mathematics 2023
The Mathematics syllabus encompasses various topics and subtopics, covering a wide range of mathematical concepts.
Below, we have categorized the syllabus into relevant sections for easy comprehension.
1. Number and Numeration
- Number bases
- Modular Arithmetic Fractions, Decimals, and Approximations
- Indices
- Logarithms
- Sequence and Series
- Sets
- Logical Reasoning
- Positive and negative integers, rational numbers
- Surds (Radicals)
- Matrices and Determinants
- Ratio, Proportions, and Rates
- Percentages
- Financial Arithmetic
- Variation
2. Algebraic Processes
- Algebraic expressions
- Simple operations on algebraic expressions
- Solution of Linear Equations
- Change of Subject of a Formula/Relation
- Quadratic Equations
- Graphs of Linear and Quadratic functions.
- Linear Inequalities
- Algebraic Fractions
- Functions and Relations
3. Mensuration
- Lengths and Perimeters
- Areas
- Volumes
4. Plane Geometry
- Angles
- Angles and intercepts on parallel lines.
- Triangles and Polygons.
- Circles
- Construction
- Loci
- Coordinate Geometry of Straight Line
- Concept of the x-y plane.
- Coordinates of points on the x-y plane
5. Trigonometry
- Sine, Cosine, and Tangent of an angle.
- Angles of elevation and depression
- Bearings
6. Introductory Calculus
- Differentiation of algebraic functions.
- Integration of simple Algebraic functions
7. Statistics and Probability
- Statistics
- Probability
8. Vectors and Transformation
- Vectors in a Plane
- Transformation in the Cartesian Plane
It is important to note that the syllabus’s topics, contents, and notes provide a scope of the questions that will be set in the exam. However, they do not encompass an exhaustive list of illustrations and limitations.
Exam Structure and Requirements
To understand the examination format, it is vital to acquaint oneself with the structure and requirements of the Mathematics paper.
The WAEC Mathematics examination consists of two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which must be taken.
Paper 1
Fifty multiple-choice objective questions
Duration: 1½ hours
Total marks: 50
Paper 2
Thirteen essay questions in Sections A and B
Duration: 2½ hours
Total marks: 100
Candidates must answer ten questions in total.
Section A
Five compulsory questions (elementary)
Total marks: 40
Section B
Eight questions of greater length and difficulty
Questions may include topics not specific to candidates’ home countries
Candidates should answer five questions
Total marks: 60
Units and Symbols
Candidates should familiarize themselves with the following units and their symbols as they may be used in the examination:
Length: 1000 millimetres (mm) = 100 centimetres (cm) = 1 metre (m)
Area: 10,000 square metres (m2) = 1 hectare (ha)
Capacity: 1000 cubic centimeters (cm3) = 1 litre (l)
Mass: 1000 milligrammes (mg) = 1 gramme (g)
Currencies: Various conversion rates for different countries’ currencies are specified.
Important Information for the Exam
During the examination, the use of mathematical and statistical tables published or approved by WAEC is permitted.
The expected degree of accuracy in answers will be obtained from these tables unless specified otherwise.
Non-programmable, silent, and cordless calculators are allowed. However, calculators capable of receiving or sending information are prohibited.
The use of phones, with or without calculators, is also not allowed.
Candidates are responsible for bringing their rulers, pairs of compasses, protractors, set squares, and other necessary instruments required for the subject papers.
Borrowing such instruments from other candidates during the examination is strictly prohibited.
Graph papers ruled in 2mm squares will be provided when needed.
Recommended textbooks for WAEC Mathematics 2023
To enhance your understanding and grasp of the Mathematics syllabus, it is advisable to refer to the following WAEC-recommended textbooks:
Adelodun A. A (2000) Distinction in Mathematics: Comprehensive Revision Text, (3rd Edition) Ado-Ekiti: FNPL.
Anyebe, J. A. B (1998) Basic Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools and Remedial Students in Higher/Institutions, Lagos: Kenny Moore.
Channon, J. B. Smith, A. M (2001) New General Mathematics for West Africa SSS 1 to 3, Lagos: Longman.
David-Osuagwu, M. et al. (2000) New School Mathematics for Senior Secondary Schools, Onitsha: Africana-FIRST Publishers.
Egbe. E et al. (2000) Further Mathematics, Onitsha: Africana-FIRST Publishers.
Ibude, S. O. et al. (2003) Algebra and Calculus for Schools and Colleges: LINCEL Publishers.
Tuttuh-Adegun M. R. et al. (1997), Further Mathematics Project Books 1 to 3, Ibadan: NPS Educational.
These textbooks are highly recommended resources that align with the WAEC Mathematics syllabus and will provide valuable insights and explanations to aid your exam preparation.
Also Read:Area Of Concentration For Mathematics WAEC 2023
The WAEC Mathematics syllabus is a vital tool for students preparing for their examinations.
It provides guidance, structure, and comprehensive coverage of the subject, ensuring that students are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the Mathematics paper.
By adhering to the syllabus, utilizing the recommended textbooks, and understanding the exam requirements, students can confidently approach their Mathematics exam and strive for excellence.
Remember, thorough preparation is the key to success!

ZAMGIST is an online educational resource center that provides useful examination materials to help guide candidates in preparing for their examinations.