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Objectives of Nigerian Society of Engineers NSE

In This Page, You will Read About NSE, and Objectives of Nigerian Society of Engineers NSE, Which is The Only Recognised Professional Engineering Society In Nigeria.

About NSE – Nigerian Society of Engineers

The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) was established in 1958 with the primary objective of providing a rallying forum for Nigerian Engineers to address the problem of colonial marginalization for an increased participation in the policy formulation and physical development of our fatherland.

Since then, the Nigerian engineer has recorded tremendous achievements in the areas of science, engineering, and technology.

Unfortunately, the Nigerian engineer
has had to cope with a very hostile environment occasioned by the invasion of the engineering profession by quacks and impostors of sorts.

This has resulted in very poor standard job, numerous abandoned projects everywhere, structural failures, fires and
outright collapses.

Objectives of Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)

The objectives of NSE are as follows:

  1. To provide a central organization for engineers in Nigeria and generally to such things as may from time to time be necessary to maintain a strict standard or professional ethics among its members and to advance the interest of the engineering profession in Nigeria.
  2. To promote, protect, encourage and maintain a high standard of engineering study and practice and to encourage greater efficiency therein.
  3. To present to the Government of Nigeria the views of the Society on any subject of concern or interest to engineers in Nigeria and if considered advisable to join with any other bodies in submitting such representation.
  4. To present to any other individual or bodies or organization the views of the society on any subject of concern or interest to engineers in Nigeria or any appropriate subject on which the views of the Society may be invited.
  5. To provide a body to which the Government or other official or unofficial authority or organization in Nigeria can have recourse for advice, assistance or the expression of views on any subjects of concern or interest to engineers in Nigeria.
  6. To facilitate the development and acquisition of technology by conducting visits to places of engineering interest, reading technical papers, holding meetings, conferences, publishing books journals and periodicals on engineering matters.
  7. To subscribe or guarantee or otherwise use monies of the Society for charitable or benevolent objects or scholarships on bursaries or for any exhibitions for any public, general, or useful objects.
  8. To provide for the training and examination of students in engineering as well as the continuing professional update and development of its members.
  9. To nominate any member or members as arbitrators, panelists, investigators, auditors, expert witnesses or specialist advisers, when called upon to do so.
  10. To assist necessitous members and any of the dependent kindred of deceased members including the widows and widowers of members and to appoint treasurer and distributor of any benevolent fund or funds which may be contributed by members or others for these purposes or any of them and subject to the provisions of paragraph four (prohibiting payments being made to members), to make any contributions out of the surplus assets or income of the Society from time to time to any benevolent fund or funds.
  11. To purchase, hold, lease, let, mortgage, sell, improve, or otherwise acquire and dispose of any movable or immovable property and any rights or privileges, which may be necessary or convenient for the advancement of any of the objects of the Society.
  12. To invest and deal with the monies of the Society not immediately required in any manner.
  13. To borrow money where necessary to promote any of the objects set out herein upon such securities as may be determined.
  14. To apply or petition for any legislation, parliamentary or otherwise that would further any of the objects of the Societies.
  15. To do all or any such Lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the object and generally to further the profession of engineering in Nigeria as well as enhance the status of engineers in Nigeria. Provided that the Society shall not support with its funds and objects nor endeavor to impose on or procure to be observed by its members or others any regulation, restriction or condition which if an object of the Society would make it a trade union.
  16. To maintain and enhance links with national, international and multinational organizations and bodies for the promotion of any of the objectives of the Society.
  17. To collaborate with Industry, Commence, Academia, and other such national bodies as may be necessary or convenient for the advancement of any of the objects of the Society.
  18. To promote and enforce a high standard of performance and professional ethics among its members.
  19. To watch over, promote, and protect the mutual interests of its members and to give advice to members.

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Divisions of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE)

There are various divisions approved by COREN that operate under the umbrella of the NSE. These include the following:

(i) Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers(NIMEchE)

(ii) Nigerian Institution of Electrical Electronics Engineers (NIEEE)

(iii) Nigerian Institution of Civil Engineers (NICE)

(iv) Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE)

(v) Association of Professional Women Engineers(APWE)

(vi) Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSChE)

(vii) Nigerian Institution of Structural Engineers(NIStruct.E)

(viii) Marine Engineeringand Naval Architecture (MENA),

(ix) Instituteof Appraisal and Cost Engineering (IACE)

(x) National Association of Technologist Engineering (NATE)

(xi) Nigerian Society of Engineering Technicians (NISET)

(xii) National Association of Engineering Craftsmen(NAEC).

(xiii) Nigerian Association for Petroleum Engineers(NAPE).

(xiv) Nigerian Association for Environmental Engineers(NAEE)

(xv) Nigerian Association for Aeronautical Engineers (NAAE)

(xvi) Nigerian Association for Marine Engineers(NAME)

(xvii) Nigerian Association for Geotechnical Engineers(NAGE)

(xviii) Nigerian Association for Industrial Engineers(NAIE)

(xix) Nigerian Institution for Metallurgical and Mining Engineers (NIMME)

All of the above Divisions,Units and Branches have their own objectives adopted from the general objectives of the Nigerian Society of Engineers(NSE).