Neco Chemistry Practical Specimen 2023

Neco Chemistry Practical Specimen 2023

Neco Chemistry Practical Specimen 2023: Welcome to ZAMGIST where we posted complete NECO chemistry Practical Specimen for the  2023 examination.


Neco Chemistry Practical Specimen 2023


1. Great care should be taken to ensure that the information given below does not reach the candidates either directly or indirectly before the examination.

2. In addition to the apparatus and reagents expected to be available in a Secondary School Chemistry Laboratory, each candidate will require the following:

(a) One burette (50cm³)
(b) One pipette (20cm³/25 cm³), however, all candidates in a centre must use pipettes of the same volume
(c) The usual apparatus and reagents for qualitative work including
(i) Dilute sodium hydroxide solution
(ii) Dilute ammonia solution
(iii) Dilute hydrochloric acid
(iv) Distilled water
(v) Red and blue litmus paper
(vi) Barium chloride solution
(vii) Phenolphthalein
(viii) Calcium hydroxide solution
(ix) Methyl orange
(x) One boiling tube
(xi) Five test tubes
(xii) Filtration apparatus
(xiii) Source of heat

3. Each candidate should be supplied with the following: labelled Aₙ, Bₙ, Xₙ, and Yₙ where “n” is the candidate’s serial number.

(a) 150 cm of trioxonitrate(V) acid solution in a bottle labelled “Aₙ” The acid solution which should be the same for all candidates will contain 9.50cm³ of concentrated trioxonitrate(V) acid per dm³ of solution.

(b) 150cm³ of sodium trioxocabonate(IV) solution in a bottle labelled “Bₙ”. The solution which should be the same for all candidates will contain 4.20g of sodium trioxocabonate(IV) per dm³ of solution.

(c) One spatulaful of zinc (II) trioxocarbonate(IV) salt in a specimen bottle labelled “Xₙ”.

(d) One spatulaful of Aluminium chloride salt in a specimen bottle labelled “Yₙ”.

4. In all cases, more materials may be given if required.

5. The actual concentrations of Aₙ and Bₙ must be stated on the Subject Teacher’s report form, while the candidates should make use of the concentrations stated in the question paper.

6. Please do not substitute any substance or solution for those specified in these instructions

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7. Places for work by candidates in the laboratory should be numbered serially, and the candidates allotted these places strictly in order of their examination numbers

8. The number of every specimen supplied to each candidate should tally with his/her serial number. If a candidate is absent, his/her serial number must not be allotted to another candidate.

9. If candidates are divided into sets, the serial numbers should be continued through the sets to ensure that no serial number is repeated.

10. Ensure that the candidates record their serial numbers and their examination number on the cover pages of their answer booklets at the beginning of the examination.


11. Ensure that a completed Teacher’s Report Form is enclosed in each envelope of scripts. This report form is provided separately.

12. Carry out the titration required of the candidates in question 1 and record the titre values which should be at least, one decimal place in the spaces provided for these in the Teacher’s Report Form. Verify the titre values before recording them.