JUPEB Literature Questions And Answers 2023 Expo

Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) has scheduled JUPEB Literature Questions And Answers 2023 to Kick off on Tuesday 1st – August – 2023.

JUPEB Literature Questions And Answers 2023

Here on zamgist, we have solved all the questions for JUPEB Literature 2023 and its available now.

JUPEB Literature Questions And Answers 2023


JUPEB Literature Answers 2023


LIT 001

LIT 002

LIT 003

LIT 004




In T.S. Eliot’s play Murder in the Cathedral the use of chorus is central to the overall structure and meaning of the work. The chorus serves as a collective voice representing the thoughts fears and moral dilemmas of the people of Canterbury. Through their choral interludes the chorus offers commentary and reflection on the events that unfold in the play as well as providing insight into the motivations and inner conflicts of the characters.

One of the main functions of the chorus is to provide historical and contextual information. They begin the play by providing a brief overview of the political situation in England and the tensions between King Henry II and Thomas Becket. This exposition not only sets the stage for the conflict that is about to take place but also helps the audience understand the larger social and political implications of Thomas’ assassination.

Furthermore the chorus serves as a moral compass throughout the play. They express the ethical debates surrounding Thomas’ decisions and actions. For example they raise concerns about Thomas’ desire for martyrdom and the potential consequences of his stance against the king. This highlights the chorus’ role as the voice of the people representing the general sentiment and concerns of the citizens of Canterbury.

In addition the chorus provides commentary on the nature of power and authority. They question the divine right of kings and the morality of rulership suggesting that true power lies in being governed by moral principles. This criticism of authority helps to underscore the central conflict between Thomas and King Henry who represents the abuse of power.

The chorus also adds a lyrical and poetic dimension to the play. Their choral interludes are filled with vivid imagery elevated language and musicality creating a distinct contrast to the more prosaic dialogue of the characters. This emphasis on language and performance highlights the artistic nature of the work and serves to engage the audience on a deeper emotional and intellectual level.

Furthermore the chorus acts as a bridge between the past present and future. Their interludes often refer to historical events and figures drawing parallels between the martyrdom of Thomas and other figures in religious and political history. This temporal perspective reinforces the play’s themes of sacrifice redemption and the cyclical nature of human actions.

Overall the chorus in Murder in the Cathedral plays a multifaceted role serving as a historical guide moral commentator poetic element and bridge between past and present. Their presence deepens the audience’s understanding of the play’s themes and adds a layer of complexity to the narrative. T.S. Eliot’s use of chorus in Murder in the Cathedral exemplifies his mastery of language and theatrical technique further enhancing the impact and meaning of the play.




(i) Stream of consciousness: The story utilizes a stream of consciousness narrative technique, taking the reader inside the minds of the characters, revealing their thoughts, feelings, and internal conflicts. This technique helps to create a sense of intimacy and connect the reader with the characters’ inner lives.

(ii) Foreshadowing: This narrative technique is often used to create suspense and hint at what is to come in the story. Oseyande’s Warri Nor dey carry last heavily uses foreshadowing to reveal bits and pieces of the story before it is fully revealed.

(iii) Flashbacks: The novel also employs flashbacks to help flesh out the backstory of the characters and give the reader more insight into their motivations and personalities.

(iv) irony: Irony is also a frequent narrative technique used in the novel. The author uses it to create dark humour, highlighting the contrast between expectations and reality.

(v) Symbolism: Symbols are used to represent deeper meanings and hint at the underlying themes of the novel as well as what happens as the story progresses.

(vi) Cliffhangers: Cliffhangers are used throughout the story to generate anticipation and keep the reader engaged.




“Black Woman” by Léopold Sédar Senghor is indeed a poem that reflects the Negritude movement, a literary and ideological movement that emerged in the 1930s and aimed at asserting the cultural and racial identity of Africans and people of African descent. The poem celebrates the beauty, strength, and resilience of the African woman in a way that was very atypical at that time. It speaks to the power and beauty of African women regardless of their position in society.

The poem focuses on natural beauty, while at the same time emphasizing the beauty of the African woman’s spirit. Senghor uses vivid imagery such as “the music of her laughter”, “her eyes like moist arabesques” and “the quivering mystery of her body” to bring out the beauty of the African woman. He also goes further to talk about her strength and her ability to weather hardships, referencing how she “lifts herself with a smile” in spite of her difficulties.

By creating this poem in particular, Senghor is not only celebrating the beauty and strength of African women, but also challenging the belittling view of African women that had been pervasive in European writing. Through his work, he is affirming and validating the existence of African women and their value to the world.




In Robert Browning’s poem “My Last Duchess,” the speaker, known as the Duke, presents a dramatic monologue that offers insight into his character and reveals the veracity of his statements. The Duke divulges his thoughts and emotions, providing the reader with an accurate representation of his psychology and proving the veracity of his statements.

The Duke speaks of the way he treated his late wife, the Duchess. Through his words, he displays a patronizing attitude toward her and expresses his desire to control her behavior and emotions. He mentions that she was constantly smiling, but he implies that it was only because he commanded her to; he is enraged by her act of “ranking everyone else” equal, suggesting that he felt entitled to her undivided loyalty. The Duke’s description of the events surrounding the Duchess’s death also suggests that he is responsible for her death, as he says: “I gave commands, then all smiles stopped together.” His own words verify his egotistical nature and his attempts to control the Duchess.



The poem makes the point that humanity’s existence is transient and ephemeral. The poet uses various natural metaphors to convey this idea, comparing human life to fleeting phenomena like the falling of a star, the flight of eagles, the brief beauty of spring’s colors, the evaporation of morning dew, the temporary turbulence of the wind, and the fragility of bubbles on water. The central message is that human life, like all these natural elements, is subject to impermanence and eventually comes to an end.

(i) Similes: The poet uses similes to compare human life to various natural phenomena, such as “Like to the falling of a star” and “Or as the flight of eagles are.” These similes vividly depict the fleeting nature of human existence.

(ii) Imagery: Through vivid imagery, the poet paints a clear picture of the impermanence of life. Words like “fresh springs’ gaudy hue,” “silver drops of morning dew,” and “bubbles which on water stood” evoke a sense of transient beauty and fragility.

(iii) Personification: The wind is personified as something that “chafes the flood,” giving human-like qualities to the natural element. This personification reinforces the idea of the transience and unpredictability of life.

(iv) Metaphor: The title itself, “Sic Vita (such is life),” serves as a metaphor for the overall theme of the poem. It succinctly encapsulates the poet’s message that life is fleeting and impermanent.

(v) Rhyme and Rhythm: The poem is written in a rhyming and rhythmic manner, with a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. This creates a musical flow to the poem, enhancing its impact and making it easier to remember and contemplate its message.

(vi) Repetition: The repetition of the word “Or” at the beginning of each stanza emphasizes the continuous comparison of various fleeting natural phenomena to human life, reinforcing the poem’s central theme.

(vii) Epigrammatic ending: The final couplet, “The wind blows out the bubble dies; The spring entombed in Autumn lies,” serves as a concise epigram that further emphasizes the transient nature of life. It leaves a lasting impression on the reader.


JUPEB Literature Questions And Answers 2023


2023 JUPEB EXPO JUPEB Literature Questions And Answers 2023
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JUPEB Literature Expo 2023 Questions And Answers

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