2023 NECO History Questions and Answers Expo

2023 NECO History Questions and Answers

The National Examination Council (NECO) Has Scheduled The 2023 Neco History practical Questions and Answers Paper To Kick of on Wednesday 12th July 2023.

This brings the attention of candidates writing the exam in to searching for 2023 NECO History Questions and Answers, NECO History Expo 2023,and etc.

2023 NECO History Questions and Answers

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NECO History 2023 Paper is Categorized in to 2 parts;

  • NECO History Essay 2023
  • NECO History Objective 2023

Here on zamgist, we have solved all the questions. That is 2023 NECO History Questions and Answers.


2023 NECO EXPO 2023 NECO History Questions and Answers
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NECO History Expo 2023

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NECO History Answers 2023



(i) Trade and Commerce: Establishing diplomatic ties allowed for enhanced trade and commerce between the states. This brought economic benefits to the states involved as they could exchange goods resources and services in a more organized and mutually beneficial manner.

(ii) Security and Defense: Diplomatic ties fostered a sense of unity and cooperation among the states which was essential for collective security and defense. By collaborating and forming alliances they could better protect themselves against common external threats such as raids from other states or external powers.

(iii) Cultural and Social Exchange: Diplomatic ties provided opportunities for cultural and social exchange. States could share knowledge traditions customs and technologies thereby enriching their own societies. This led to an increased understanding and respect for one another’s cultures fostering a sense of unity and shared identity.

(iv) Conflict Resolution: Diplomatic ties provided a platform for peaceful resolution of conflicts that might arise between states. By engaging in diplomatic negotiations disputes and tensions could be resolved through dialogue and compromise rather than resorting to violence and warfare. This promoted stability and prevented the escalation of conflicts.

(v) Communication and Information Exchange: Diplomatic ties facilitated the exchange of information and communication between states. This was important for keeping abreast of developments sharing news intelligence and coordinating actions which was particularly crucial in times of crisis or emergencies.

(vi) Political and Diplomatic Influence: Establishing diplomatic ties allowed states to gain political and diplomatic influence within the region. By forming alliances and maintaining cordial relations they could raise their stature and gain leverage in regional affairs. This enabled them to negotiate better terms in treaties and agreements and have a voice in regional decision-making.

(vii) Preemption of External Influence: By promoting diplomatic ties amongst themselves the various states aimed to preempt external interference or domination. This was particularly significant at a time when European powers were increasingly expanding their colonial ambitions in Africa. By presenting a united front the states could resist external pressures and maintain their sovereignty to a certain extent.



(i) Geographic barriers: Nigeria’s interior region is characterized by dense rainforests vast savannahs and river systems which posed significant challenges for European exploration and penetration. The difficult terrain hindered easy access to the interior leading Europeans to primarily focus their activities along the coastal areas.

(ii) Disease and health risks: The coastal regions were relatively more accessible to European merchants and explorers but they still faced significant health risks from tropical diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. Europeans had limited knowledge and immunity to these diseases making it dangerous for them to venture too far inland.

(iii) Local resistance: The indigenous populations in Nigeria particularly those in the interior often resisted European encroachment. Many Nigerian ethnic groups had well-established social and political structures that were protective of their territories. They viewed Europeans as potential threats to their sovereignty and resisted their presence.

(iv) Slave trade dynamics: During this period the primary focus of European activities in Nigeria was the transatlantic slave trade. The coast served as a major hub for capturing enslaving and transporting African slaves to the Americas. Therefore Europeans strategically concentrated their activities in the coastal areas where they could easily access and trade with local African slave traders.

(v) Lack of economic incentives: The interior regions of Nigeria were not initially attractive to European traders due to the absence of highly sought-after resources like gold and spices. The coastal areas on the other hand provided access to valuable commodities such as palm oil ivory and later on groundnuts which motivated European traders to stay along the coastline.

(vi) Technological limitations: Europeans faced technological limitations in terms of transportation and communication which further restricted their activities to the coast. Without efficient means of transportation and communication venturing into the interior would have been logistically challenging and economically unviable.


(i) Agriculture: Agriculture formed the backbone of the Nupe economy. The kingdom was situated in a fertile region along the Niger River and benefited from favorable agricultural conditions.

(ii) Trade: The Nupe Kingdom was strategically located along important trade routes, serving as a middleman between the Saharan and West African regions. The kingdom facilitated the trade of goods such as salt, kola nuts, cotton, ivory, slaves, and other commodities.

(iii) Tribute: The Nupe Kingdom had a centralized political structure with a hierarchical system of administration. Local chiefs and rulers within the kingdom owed allegiance to the Nupe king, and they paid tribute in the form of goods, livestock, or labor.

(iv) Taxes: Nupe rulers likely imposed taxes on their subjects, including levies on land, livestock, and economic activities.

(v) Craftsmanship and Artistry: The Nupe people were known for their skilled craftsmanship and artistic traditions. They produced a wide range of goods, including pottery, textiles, woodcarvings, metalwork, and leather goods.

(vi) Tribute from Conquered Territories: The Nupe Kingdom expanded through military conquests, incorporating neighboring territories and kingdoms. Conquered regions would have paid tribute to the Nupe rulers, providing additional revenue streams.



(i) British interests in the West African palm oil trade: The British had a strong economic interest in palm oil which was a valuable commodity at the time. Lagos situated in modern-day Nigeria was a major palm oil trading center. The British desired to establish control or influence over this trade to ensure their dominance in the global market.

(ii) The disruption of British trade and influence: The King of Lagos Oba Kosoko had been exerting his authority over British subjects and interfering with British trade. This included several instances of capturing British ships and detaining their crews. These actions were seen as threats to British commercial interests and their imperial prestige leading to a desire for retaliation.

(iii) Slave trade suppression: The British government had been actively working to suppress the transatlantic slave trade which was still prevalent in West Africa. Lagos was known to be involved in the illegal slave trade and the British viewed securing control over the region as a means to weaken and dismantle this trade.

(iv) Humanitarian concerns: Reports of human rights abuses and the mistreatment of captured slaves in Lagos further motivated the British to take action. Humanitarian sentiment combined with the desire to eliminate the slave trade provided a moral justification for the bombardment.

(v) Expansion of British influence: The bombardment of Lagos aimed to enforce British dominance and control over the region. It aligned with broader objectives of expanding the British empire and establishing colonial authority over parts of Africa.



(i) Federal Structure: The constitution established a federal system of government divided into three regions: Northern Western and Eastern. Each region had its own legislative house and executive council with a governor representing the British crown.

(ii) Legislative Powers: The constitution granted extensive legislative powers to the regional assemblies allowing them to make laws on a wide range of subjects including education agriculture health and local government.

(iii) Governor-General: The constitution recognized the British monarch as the ceremonial head of state and provided for a Governor-General to represent the monarch in Nigeria. The Governor-General appointed ministers and advised the regional governors.

(iv) Western Region House of Assembly: The notable features of the 1951 constitution was the establishment of a bicameral legislature in the Western Region consisting of a House of Assembly and a House of Chiefs. The House of Chiefs represented traditional rulers and had limited legislative powers.

(v) Universal Adult Suffrage: The constitution introduced universal adult suffrage granting the right to vote to all adult citizens irrespective of gender or ethnicity. This was a significant step towards political inclusivity and democratic representation in Nigeria.

(vi) Judicial System: The constitution established a federal court system headed by a Supreme Court to handle legal matters and ensure the rule of law. The constitution also established a Judicial Service Commission responsible for the appointment of judges.

(vii) Protection of Fundamental Rights: The constitution included a chapter on fundamental human rights guaranteeing citizens certain rights and freedoms such as freedom of speech religion and assembly. It also provided for the establishment of a Human Rights Commission to monitor compliance.

(viii) Amendment and Review: The constitution included provisions for its amendment and review allowing for changes to be made as necessary through a legislative process.











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