How to write application letter for collection of original waec result

How to write application letter for collection of original waec result

how to write application letter for collection of original waec result: Starting your school journey, getting your official West African Examination Council (WAEC) result is a big deal.

Whether you need it for more school, job applications, or just to keep track of your grades, writing the letter to pick up your WAEC result is an important task that needs attention.

In this page, we’ll guide you through making a clear and convincing letter.

What do I need to collect my original WAEC certificate?

Requirements for Collection of WAEC Certificates:

  • One passport
  • Photo card
  • Computer print out of the result.

Application letter for collection of original waec result

Dear [Name of the Examination Officer],

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is [Your Full Name], and my WAEC examination number is [Your Exam Number]. I am writing to request the collection of my original WAEC result for the [Year] examination.

My full name is [Your Full Name], and my WAEC examination number is [Your Exam Number]. My date of birth is [Your Date of Birth].

I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to request and collect my original WAEC result.

Could you please provide information regarding the procedures and any documents required for the collection of my original WAEC result?

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your prompt assistance in facilitating the collection of my original WAEC result.


[Your Full Name]

[Your Contact Information]