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WAEC GCE English Language 2024 Questions And Answers

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WAEC GCE English Language 2024 Questions And Answers

The West African Examination Council (Waec) Has Scheduled The Waec Gce English Language 2024 Paper To Kick Of On The 1st February, 2024.

Waec gce English language 2024 paper is categorized in to 3 parts:

  1. Waec gce english language essay 2024
  2. Waec gce english language objective 2024
  3. Waec gce english language test of oral 2024

Here on zamgist, we have solved all the papers listed above including the essay part and letter writing.

Check out the subscription details below on how to make payment and get your waec gce english language 2024 questions and answers 4 hours or midnight before exam.

Waec Gce English Language 2024 Question paper




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Waec GCE English Language Expo 2024

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WAEC GCE English language Test Of Oral Answers 2024 – First Series


WAEC GCE English Language Objective Answers 2024 – First Seris


WAEC GCE First Series English Language Answers 2024

The effect of the internet

It suggests a passionless studying

Celebrity gossip and entertainment news

The author presented this by using Bazo’s case as an example, where she spends most of her time online. Then realizing hours later that she did not attend to her textbook.

She starts getting notifications from her various social media accounts

Internet has provided an easy to access to varieties of useful information.

(i) Adjectival clause
(ii) It qualifies the noun phrase “the case of Bazo”

(i) Wane – diminish
(ii) Vitality – vibrancy
(iii) Resolutely – steadily
(iv) Impactful – effective
(v) Genres – categories
(vi) Oracle – god

-It increases employment opportunities

– It improves the standard of living due to online training

-There is inadequate resources to fund the purchase of computers.

-There is limited number teachers trained to teach Information technology

-Some schools in rural areas to have inadequate supply of electricity.

-There is unavailability of functional computer in schools

Request for Increased Focus on Other Sports. (Use that heading)

Dear [Minister of Youth and Sports],

I am writing to express my concern about the current emphasis on football by the government to the detriment of other sports. As a sports enthusiast, I believe that it is important to recognize the value of all sports and to provide support for athletes in a variety of disciplines.

My first reason for this request is related to the importance of promoting healthy lifestyles. Encouraging participation in a variety of sports can help individuals lead healthier and more active lives, which has numerous benefits for both physical and mental well-being. By focusing too heavily on football, the government may be missing out on the opportunity to promote other sports that can have a positive impact on the health of our citizens.

My second reason is related to the development of new talent. While football is certainly a popular sport, it is not the only one that has the potential to generate new talent and provide opportunities for athletes to excel. By focusing more on a range of sports, the government can help to identify and develop new talent in other areas, which can lead to increased national success in a variety of disciplines.

Finally, promoting a diverse range of sports can help to build a more inclusive society. Sports have the power to bring people together and foster a sense of community, regardless of background or abilities. By focusing too heavily on one sport, the government may be missing out on the opportunity to promote a sense of inclusivity and to encourage participation in sports from all individuals.

In conclusion, I strongly urge the government to re-evaluate its focus on football and to place greater emphasis on promoting a range of sports. By doing so, the government can help to promote healthy lifestyles, develop new talent, and build a more inclusive society.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Past WAEC GCE English Language Objective Answer



Past WAEC GCE English Language Answers

Singapore is a small country which is speculated to be not so great as other big countries

When they are properly managed and being processed into finished goods, they can generate lots of income for the citizens.

The writer considers knowledge as the most vital consideration for a nation to be great

Good governance helps in provision of tranquil environment that enhances development of a nation.

[Pick any Two]
(i) Presence of natural resources
(ii) Existence of finished products from the natural resources
(iii) Good governance


Two wrongs don’t make a right!

I woke up and set off for work like I usual do around 7am however, on this occasion I noticed something was missing from the side of my house – I stopped and realized that my large grey wheelie bin wasn’t next to the blue recycling one.

Not to miss my train, I pondered this throughout the journey and came to the conclusion it must be in my neighbour’s drive as the bin men may have put it there by mistake. That weekend I knocked on my close neighbours’ doors and neither of them had seen or had possession of it.

Before you ask I have my house number and street name in big white paint along the side so fairly easy to know whom this large grey bin belongs to!

This made me come to the conclusion that my bin must have been stolen! So, later that day I slowly drove around my surrounding street looking for a freshly painted bin with my address along the side, this was proving tricky and I came across very suspicious to other pedestrians and drivers – so I ceased my mission!

The next day I called my local authority and explained my bin went missing and it’s highly likely someone has pinched it

The polite lady on the other end of the phone stated it would cost me £85 to replace my bin! I then went on to say that was ridiculous and I pay council tax etc, and at that point, a vision went through my mind of me running to the end of my street in the middle of the night and stealing a bin and then wheeling it back to mine!

The customer service lady from my local authority then said to me *“Two wrongs don’t make a right”* she preached to me about me thinking of taking another poor neighbour’s bin and this is how it would start a never ending line of frustrated homeowners having their bins stolen. She continued to talk to me and said you sound like an honest person so do the right thing pay the £85 and you could end this trail of bins being taken from people’s front gardens.

She made me see sense and I paid the £85 (although slightly begrudgingly)

So, this leads me to the moral of this episode in my life – just because someone has done wrong to you doesn’t mean you should take out your frustration by doing wrong to others!

We don’t have to follow other people’s ways or even adopt other people’s habits, we should end the trail not fuel it.

In my profession (which is nearly 18 years of dealing with people) the crux of human nature is people to let people down, usually not intentionally but it does happen, some opt to do it more than others but before you take a quick reaction due to an unhappy episode, stop and think as you can end that trail of disappointing people.

We rely heavily on all aspects of business and the people around us being honest and doing right thing, from our office cleaner turning up each morning and keeping our work environment clean and tidy, our internal IT support team ensuring our IT systems are fully functional, to our candidates clarifying they have the skills to carry out the role we are discussing with them and clients being honest with us when they are hiring.

Just because one candidate lets you down doesn’t mean they all will

Just because one client gets you working weekends for an urgent position then disappears doesn’t mean they are all like that

So with all this being said before you make any decision just ask yourself am I being honest? Is this the right thing to do or say?

Two wrongs don’t make a right





NOTE:- All SMS Sent To The Above Number Are Attended To, Our Phone Number Might Be Diverted To Avoid Distraction. Always Send Us SMS Of Your Complaint Even When Our Number Is Not Available, Your Message(s) Will Get To Us And We Will Reply immediately.


Write a letter of appreciation to the chairman of your local government council for the various projects executed so far by his government, pointing out other problems that require urgent attention

Dear Chairman [Name],

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the various projects that have been executed by your government so far. The level of development and progress seen in our community is truly remarkable, and I know that this would not have been possible without your leadership and dedication.

I would like to particularly commend the construction of the new road network, the establishment of health care facilities and the provision of potable water, which have significantly improved the standard of living in our community. The impact of these projects on the wellbeing of the people cannot be overstated, and I am grateful for the hard work and commitment that went into their implementation.

However, I would like to bring to your attention some other problems in our community that require urgent attention.

The high level of unemployment, particularly among the youth, is a major concern, and I believe that your government can play a critical role in addressing this challenge. Additionally, the poor state of the public schools and the inadequate provision of educational materials remain a major concern, and I believe that these issues need to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

In conclusion, I would like to once again express my gratitude for the various projects executed so far by your government, and I believe that with your continued leadership and the support of the community, we can work together to address the remaining challenges and create a brighter future for all.

Thank you for your leadership and dedication to our community.


[Your Name]