Consider Heathcliff’s Marriage To Isabella

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Consider Heathcliff’s Marriage To Isabella

Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella is a tumultuous one, characterized by a lack of love and respect on both sides. Heathcliffonly marries Isabella as a means of gaining control over her brother, Edgar Linton, and the wealth and property that comes with their family’s name. Isabella is enamored with the idea of marrying Heathcliff, both for his perceivedonly marries Isabella as a means of seeking revenge on her brother, Edgar. Heathcliff’s plan is to marry Isabella and then mistreat her so as to hurt Edgar, whom she is infatuated with.

Once they are married, Heathcliff treats Isabella cruelly, both physically and emotionally. He has no love for her and sees her simply as a pawn in his game of revenge. Isabella, for her part, is foolish to marry Heathcliff in the first place, as she knows little about him and is drawn to him by his dark and brooding nature.

Despite her mistreatment by Heathcliff, Isabella remains in love with him and refuses to leave him for some time. It is only when she becomes pregnant with his child that she finally sees him for the monster he truly is and decides to leave him and the dangerous surroundings of Wuthering Heights.

In the end, Heathcliff’s marriage to Isabella serves only to demonstrate his cruel and vengeful nature and to further emphasize the toxic relationships that exist throughout the novel.

Consider Heathcliff's Marriage To Isabella

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