Functions of an engineer in the society

Welcome to zamgist, where you will read about the functions of an engineer in the Society, but before we dive in to it, let’s see who is an engineer. Who Is An Engineer? An engineer is a professional who utilizes their expertise in mathematics, science, and technology to design, develop, and create systems, structures, machines, … Read more

Write a letter to the minister of youth and sports in your country complaining about government’s concentration on football to the detriment of other sports. discus three reasons why you think government should now focus on other sports

Write a letter to the minister of youth and sports in your country complaining about government’s concentration on football to the detriment of other sports. discus three reasons why you think government should now focus on other sports Write a letter to the minister of youth and sports in your country complaining about government’s concentration … Read more

Explain how a gas can be made to conduct electricity

In this page, we have answered the question: Explain how a gas can be made to conduct electricity. Explain how a gas can be made to conduct electricity A gas can be made to conduct electricity by adding sufficient energy to the gas to ionize it. This means that the gas molecules have been stripped … Read more

Objectives of Nigerian Society of Engineers NSE

In This Page, You will Read About NSE, and Objectives of Nigerian Society of Engineers NSE, Which is The Only Recognised Professional Engineering Society In Nigeria. About NSE – Nigerian Society of Engineers The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) was established in 1958 with the primary objective of providing a rallying forum for Nigerian Engineers … Read more

Definition of Interpolation And Its Types In CNC

In This article, We discussed the Definition of Interpolation And Its Types In CNC, Which are Linear, Circular and Parabolic Interpolation Definition of Interpolation In CNC Interpolation is the method by which contouring machines move from one location to the next. It is the feature of a contouring machine that merges the individual axis command … Read more

Definition of Irrigation In Agriculture

Definition of Irrigation In Agriculture Irrigation is defined as the artificial or manmade application of water to soil or land for farming purposes. OR Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil to supplement insufficient rainfall.   Reasons Why Irrigation Is Necessary In West Africa It increases crop productivity vir crop yield. Irrigation … Read more

Importance Of Public Service In Civic Education

In this article, you will read about the meaning of public service, and importance of public service in civic education. Let’s start by giving you the definition of public service. What is Public Service? Public service is an organized body in which public servants serve to provide essential services for the welfare of citizens. It … Read more

Here Are The Working Principle Of Thermoflask

Are you a mechanical engineering or physics students searching for the working principle of thermoflask? If yes, then congratulations for been here. With out wasting time, let’s get started. The working principle of thermoflask The (3) modes of heat transfer where taken into consideration while selecting the materials for the design of and production of … Read more