2023 NECO Literature Prose And Objective Questions And Answers Expo

2023 NECO Literature Prose And Objective Questions And Answers

The National Examination Council (NECO) Has Scheduled The 2023 Neco Literature Prose And Objective Questions and Answers Paper To Kick of on Friday 14th July 2023.

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2023 NECO Literature Prose And Objective Questions and Answers

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NECO Literature Prose And Objective 2023 Paper is Categorized in to 2 parts;

  • NECO Literature Prose 2023
  • NECO Literature Objective 2023

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2023 NECO Literature Prose And Objective Questions and Answers
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NECO Literature Prose And Objective Expo 2023

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Neco Literature Prose and Objective Answer 2023






Adah Ofili is a significant character in the novel “Second Class Citizens” by Buchi Emecheta. She plays a crucial role in highlighting the struggles and challenges faced by women in Nigeria during the mid-20th century and the impact of societal limitations on their personal growth.

Adah is introduced as the younger sister of the protagonist Adah Obi and her contrasting personality serves as a foil to Adah Obi’s account of her life. While Adah Obi is determined and rebellious against the societal norms imposed on women Adah Ofili initially embodies submission and acceptance of her limited opportunities.

However as the story progresses Adah Ofili’s character undergoes a transformation. She becomes a symbol of resilience and quiet strength in the face of adversity. Her characterization effectively highlights the struggles faced by women in a patriarchal society as she experiences arranged marriages domestic abuse and the constant degradation of her dreams and ambitions.

Adah Ofili’s role in the novel is to provide an alternative perspective to Adah Obi’s fight for independence. While Adah Obi is outspoken and confrontational Adah Ofili represents the majority of women who silently endure oppression conforming to societal expectations. Through her Emecheta examines the toll these circumstances take on women’s mental emotional and physical well-being.

Moreover Adah Ofili’s character also sheds light on the limited options available to women in Nigeria at that time. She is forced into an arranged marriage and expected to fulfill traditional gender roles putting the desires and aspirations of her husband and in-laws before her own. Her experiences serve as a catalyst for the reader’s empathy towards the struggles faced by second-class citizens—women like herself who are denied agency and autonomy.

Overall Adah Ofili’s character in “Second Class Citizens” is instrumental in emphasizing the marginalized position of women in Nigerian society during the mid-20th century. Through her journey Emecheta highlights the need for social change equal opportunities and the importance of empowering women to break free from the confines of societal expectations.


In the novel “Second Class Citizens the theme of cultural shock plays a significant role in shaping the experiences and perspectives of the characters. Written by Buchi Emecheta the book explores the challenges and hardships faced by Adah Ofili a Nigerian woman who immigrates to England in search of a better life.

One aspect of cultural shock evident in the novel is the stark contrast between Nigerian and British culture. Adah like many immigrants finds herself immersed in a completely new environment with unfamiliar customs traditions and societal norms. She encounters numerous situations where her expectations clash with the reality she faces in England leading to a profound sense of disorientation and disconnect.

The novel portrays Adah’s struggle to adapt to the foreign culture highlighting the challenges she faces as a second-class citizen. Adah’s experiences illustrate the difficulties she encounters in navigating a society that often marginalizes immigrants and fails to acknowledge their worth. She faces racism sexism and various forms of discrimination which further amplify her cultural shock and sense of displacement.

Moreover the cultural shock in “Second Class Citizens” is not limited to Adah’s encounters with British society but is also deeply embedded within her interactions with other Nigerian immigrants. Adah finds herself torn between the values and expectations she has brought with her from Nigeria and the pressures to assimilate into the Western culture. This internal conflict reflects the broader struggle many immigrants face caught between their native culture and the desire for acceptance in their adopted homeland.

Throughout the novel Adah’s cultural shock serves as a catalyst for her personal growth and the development of her identity. The challenges she confronts force her to reassess her beliefs values and aspirations. Adah’s journey is marked by a gradual transformation as she reconciles her Nigerian heritage with the realities of living in England. She learns to navigate the cultural intricacies of both societies ultimately carving out her own space and finding a sense of belonging.

In conclusion cultural shock is a prevailing theme in “Second Class Citizens.” The novel explores the profound impact of immigrating to a foreign country and the subsequent struggles faced by individuals to adapt to a new culture. Through Adah’s experiences the book portrays the disorientation challenges and growth that accompany cultural shock. By delving into the complexities of cultural identity and belonging Buchi Emecheta presents a poignant and insightful examination of the immigrant experience.


The theme of xenophobia in the text “Unexpected Joy at Dawn” explores the deep-seated prejudices and fears individuals harbor towards those who are perceived as different or foreign. Set in Nigeria during a time of political and social unrest the novel delves into the clash between indigenous tribes and the arrival of expatriates from various countries.

Through the character of Emma a young Nigerian woman who falls in love with a British expatriate named Joe the theme of xenophobia becomes evident. Emma’s own community burdened with historical animosity towards the British views her relationship with Joe as a betrayal of her culture and an act of disloyalty. The fear and mistrust directed towards Joe solely based on his foreign identity overshadow any possibility of understanding or acceptance.

The novel challenges the notion of xenophobia by highlighting the toxic consequences it brings forth. Emma’s own internal struggle between love and loyalty demonstrates the conflict many individuals face when confronted with their cultural biases. Furthermore the novel showcases the impact of xenophobia on society as a whole with tensions escalating and relationships fraying due to the fear of the unknown.

As the narrative unfolds the theme of xenophobia is further explored through the experiences of other characters such as Tobi a Nigerian journalist who confronts his own prejudices and Nancy a British expatriate who grapples with her role within the Nigerian community. Their interactions and struggles reflect the complexities and harmful effects of xenophobia on both personal relationships and the wider social fabric.

“Unexpected Joy at Dawn” ultimately serves as a poignant exploration of xenophobia and its ability to divide communities hinder understanding and shape individual perspectives. By shedding light on the destructive nature of such prejudices the novel encourages readers to challenge their own biases and strive for a more inclusive and empathetic society.


In the novel “Unexpected Joy at Dawn” by Alex Agyei-Agyiri Mama Orojo and Nic Jackie are the main characters whose marriage is on the verge of collapse. However they make several attempts to reconcile with each other each filled with hope despair and unexpected outcomes.

At the beginning of the story Mama Orojo decides to visit a popular marriage counselor Ama Ata in the hope of resolving their issues and saving their marriage. Ama Ata provides them with counseling sessions and advice on effective communication and compromise. Mama Orojo is hopeful that their marriage can be restored through this intervention as she still deeply loves Nic Jackie and recognizes the importance of their family.

Mama Orojo also tries to revive the flame in their relationship by reminding Nic Jackie of the sweet memories they shared. She initiates moments of reflection sharing stories about their courtship and early days of marriage. She believes that by rekindling their love and reminding Nic Jackie of the joyous moments they once shared they could find a way back to each other.

Meanwhile Nic Jackie seeks the guidance of his friend Dr. Nkrumah a Christian counselor for support. Dr. Nkrumah advises Nic Jackie to seek forgiveness and strive for personal growth. He encourages him to acknowledge his past mistakes and actively work towards becoming a better husband and father. Nic Jackie takes this advice seriously and begins to reflect on his actions and attitudes.

However their attempts at reconciliation face numerous obstacles. Mama Orojo struggles with the emotional baggage of their past particularly the infidelity she experienced from Nic Jackie. Despite her efforts to forgive the pain still lingers making it difficult for her to fully trust him again. This emotional barrier becomes a significant challenge that hinders their progress towards reconciliation.

They also face interference from external forces. Mama Orojo’s friend Auntie Araba who harbors ill feelings towards Nic Jackie constantly discourages her from giving him another chance. Auntie Araba believes that he is undeserving of Mama Orojo’s love and loyalty. Her negative influence adds tension and further complicates their attempts at reconciliation.

Despite these challenges there are glimmers of hope throughout their journey. Mama Orojo and Nic Jackie occasionally engage in vulnerable and honest conversations where they express their regrets and intentions to make amends. These moments offer a glimpse of their genuine desire to rebuild their relationship.

Ultimately their reconciliation comes unexpectedly during an encounter with armed robbers. In this dire situation their love and shared protection for their children triumph over their differences. Together they face the danger and save their family discovering a renewed bond in the process. This life-threatening event acts as a turning point that brings them closer together and solidifies their commitment to salvaging their marriage.

In “Unexpected Joy at Dawn Mama Orojo and Nic Jackie’s attempts to reconcile with each other involve seeking professional guidance reminiscing about their past striving for personal growth and overcoming external interference. Despite the challenges they face their unanticipated reunion showcases the power of love forgiveness and unforeseen joy in unexpected circumstances.


In the novel Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison the statement “To whom it may concern: keep this nigger boy running” holds significant weight in understanding the experiences and challenges faced by the unnamed narrator throughout his life. This racial epithet used by his employers at Liberty Paints highlights the dehumanization discrimination and systemic racism ingrained in society during the time period in which the novel is set.

The protagonist an African American man embarks on a journey of self-discovery as he navigates a racially divided America. Being referred to as a “nigger boy” reflects the demeaning and objectifying language commonly used by white individuals towards Black people. The phrase not only displays the racist attitudes prevalent during that era but also emphasizes the narrator’s invisibility within society. He is reduced to a mere object or machine expected to continuously fulfill the demands of others.

The narrator’s life is heavily influenced by this sentiment throughout the text. His experiences are shaped by the wider societal expectations placed upon him solely based on his race. His educational pursuits job prospects and personal relationships are all affected by the prejudiced views that people hold towards African Americans. The statement reflects a larger power dynamic where the white dominant society attempts to control and exploit African Americans including the narrator.

Moreover the phrase “keep this nigger boy running” highlights the idea of perpetual motion or constant endurance. It suggests that the narrator is expected to continuously work strive and fight against the oppressive forces around him. This speaks to the burden placed on Black individuals to constantly prove their worth and humanity in a society that seeks to diminish their presence.

Throughout the novel the narrator struggles with his identity and the consequences of being rendered invisible by those around him. The dehumanizing label in the statement reinforces his continual struggle to find his own sense of identity and purpose in a world that diminishes his existence. It emphasizes the constant pressure to conform and perform for the benefit of others while denying his own agency.

In conclusion the statement “To whom it may concern: keep this nigger boy running” encapsulates the deep-rooted racism dehumanization and oppression faced by the narrator in Invisible Man. It sheds light on the societal expectations imposed upon him his struggle for self-fulfillment and his fight to reclaim his individuality and humanity. This statement serves as a reminder of the injustices faced by African Americans during that time and the need to confront and overcome racial prejudice in all its forms.


The theme of identity in Ralph Ellison’s novel “Invisible Man is a complex exploration of the protagonist’s search for self-discovery and self-definition in a society that refuses to acknowledge his existence. Throughout the novel the invisible man grapples with the oppressive forces of racism power dynamics and social expectations that distort his understanding of his own identity.

At the beginning of the novel the invisible man is an unnamed African American man who believes that success and acceptance lie in conforming to the expectations of others. He seeks validation from society hoping that by adhering to social norms and expectations he will be recognized and affirmed as an individual. However his efforts are in vain as he is continually marginalized tossed aside and rendered invisible.

As the narrative progresses the invisible man embarks on a series of encounters and experiences that challenge his preconceived notions of identity. He undergoes various transformations shedding the false masks he has worn to fit into different societal roles. Through these episodes he gradually becomes aware of the limitations and dehumanization imposed by the dominant white culture.

The theme of identity is intricately linked to the exploration of race in the novel. The invisible man’s experiences as a black man in a white-dominated society shape his understanding of himself. He is constantly reminded of his racial identity not only through the overt racism he encounters but also through the subtle ways in which society assigns him roles and expectations based on his skin color.

As the invisible man becomes more aware of the constraints imposed on him he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and rebellion. He rejects the prescribed roles and expectations placed on him by various institutions such as his college the Brotherhood and even the Harlem community. He realizes that true selfhood cannot be achieved by conforming to societal norms but by embracing and asserting his own individuality.

Ultimately the invisible man’s quest for identity is a deeply personal and existential one. He grapples with questions of authenticity agency and the inherent contradictions within his own identity. He comes to understand that his identity cannot be defined solely by external factors but must also incorporate his own desires experiences and unique perspective.

Overall the theme of identity in “Invisible Man” explores the complexities of racial identity societal expectations and the struggle for self-discovery. Throughout the novel the invisible man’s journey serves as a poignant exploration of the challenges faced by individuals trying to define themselves in a society that seeks to render them invisible.



In Emily Brontë’s novel “Wuthering Heights the consequences of various actions play a significant role in shaping the lives of the characters and driving the plot forward. Through the exploration of love revenge and the cycle of generational trauma Brontë examines how the consequences of these actions can have far-reaching and devastating effects. Below I will discuss some key examples and the subsequent outcomes they bring about.

One of the central actions in the novel is Heathcliff’s determination to seek revenge on those who have wronged him. After suffering mistreatment as a child Heathcliff grows up consumed by bitterness and a desire for vengeance. His actions driven by a need to inflict pain on others lead him to manipulate and harm multiple characters. For instance Heathcliff’s cruel treatment of Hindley Earnshaw exacerbates Hindley’s descent into alcoholism and self-destruction ultimately leading to his early death. Similarly Heathcliff’s revenge on Edgar Linton results in the deterioration of Edgar’s health and his daughter Cathy’s eventual marriage to Heathcliff a decision motivated by Heathcliff’s pursuit of revenge rather than genuine love. These consequences highlight the destructive nature of revenge and the tragic outcomes it engenders.

Brontë also explores the consequences of love and the actions taken in its name. The passionate love between Cathy Earnshaw and Heathcliff is a driving force in the novel. However Cathy’s decision to marry Edgar Linton driven by societal pressures and the desire for social status sets off a chain of events with profound consequences. This choice leads to Cathy’s internal conflict her deteriorating health and ultimately her premature death. Furthermore her marriage to Edgar precipitates Heathcliff’s feelings of betrayal and fuels his desire for revenge which engulfs the lives of those around him. Through these interconnected actions Brontë demonstrates the devastating impact that societal expectations and the denial of true love can have on individuals and their relationships.

Additionally Brontë explores the generational consequences of actions in “Wuthering Heights.” The cyclical nature of trauma is prominent throughout the novel with characters mirroring the behaviors of their predecessors. For example Hindley’s abuse of Heathcliff as a child echoes his own father’s mistreatment of him perpetuating a cycle of violence and cruelty. Heathcliff’s manipulative behavior toward Hareton Earnshaw mirrors the mistreatment he endured as a child effectively replicating the cycle once more. These generational consequences highlight how actions rooted in pain and trauma can be passed down through generations perpetuating a cycle of suffering.

In conclusion “Wuthering Heights” delves deeply into the consequences of actions illustrating the immense impact they have on the lives of the characters. The novel showcases the destructive nature of revenge the consequences of societal expectations and the perpetuation of trauma through generations. Through her exploration of these themes Brontë emphasizes the importance of considering the consequences of one’s actions and the potential for far-reaching and tragic outcomes.


In the novel “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte the relationship between Heathcliff and Lockwood is characterized by hostility primarily due to their conflicting personalities and social backgrounds.

Lockwood the new tenant at Thrushcross Grange encounters Heathcliff the brooding and volatile owner of Wuthering Heights during his visits to the estate. From their first meeting it becomes evident that there is tension between them. Lockwood being a city-dwelling gentleman is reserved proper and somewhat naïve. On the other hand Heathcliff is a complex and dark character consumed by his intense emotions and a deep-rooted desire for revenge.

Heathcliff’s hostility is partly fueled by Lockwood’s intrusion into his private domain. As a recluse Heathcliff values his solitude and despises unwanted intrusions. When Lockwood does not heed Heathcliff’s instructions about visiting the Heights uninvited it triggers Heathcliff’s anger and leads to a strained relationship between the two.

Furthermore their opposing temperaments intensify the hostility. Lockwood is often perplexed by Heathcliff’s behavior and gruff mannerisms. He struggles to comprehend Heathcliff’s passionate nature and finds it overwhelming. In contrast Heathcliff finds Lockwood’s refined manners and lack of understanding of his world disdainful. Their differences in nature create a constant clash between them.

Additionally the social divide between the two characters fuels their animosity. Lockwood belongs to the middle class and approaches Wuthering Heights with an air of superiority. This condescension is not lost on Heathcliff who hails from a lower social background. As a result Heathcliff resents Lockwood’s airs and feels belittled by his presence.

The clash between Heathcliff and Lockwood can be seen as a reflection of the broader themes of the novel. Their interactions highlight the divisions between different social classes as well as the conflicts arising from misunderstandings and cultural differences. Their hostile relationship serves to further depict the oppressive and turbulent atmosphere of Wuthering Heights.

In conclusion the hostility between Heathcliff and Lockwood in “Wuthering Heights” is rooted in their contrasting personalities social backgrounds and clashes of temperament. Their interactions highlight the animosity and tension that exist between them throughout the novel adding to the overall atmosphere of conflict and turmoil in the story.


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