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Write on the life history of jabir bn hayyan

In this page, we answer the question: Write on the life history of jabir bn hayyan

Write on the life history of jabir bn hayyan

Abu Musa Jabir Ibn Hayyan Al-Azdi, sometimes called al-Harrani and al-Sufi, is considered the father of Arab chemistry and one of the founders of modern pharmacy.

He was known to the Europeans as Geber. He was born in the city of Tus in the province of Khorasan in Iran in 721 AD.

His father Hayyan Al-Azdi was an “Attar” (druggist or pharmacist) from the Arabian Azd tribe in Yemen, who resided in the city of Kufa in Iraq during the rule of the Umayyads.

Hayyan supported the Abbasid revolt against the Umayyads and moved to Iran where Jaber was born. The family fled to Yemen after Hayyan was caught and executed by the Umayyads.

Jabir studied in Yemen under the tutelage of the scholar Harbi Al-Himyari.

He returned back to Kufa after the Abbasids dynasty took over. It is claimed that he became a student of Imam Jafar Al-Sadiq. He learned chemistry (alchemy), pharmacy, philosophy, astronomy, and medicine.

He became the court alchemist during the reign of Caliph Haroun Al-Rashid and was a physician working for his grand ministers (vizir), the Barmakids.

He died at the old age of 94 in 815 AD in Kufa.

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