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Tips On How To Be Mentally Prepared For The Forthcoming JAMB UTME

Succeeding in anything begins in the mind. Doing well in any examination, (including JAMB UTME) is no different. Negative attitudes like doubt, anxiety, procrastination, can adversely affect your performance under examination conditions. Here are some tips to position your mind right for the coming JAMB exam.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Many students are very afraid of making mistakes. However, mistakes are an inevitable element of exams. Learn from your mistakes as you practice past questions by refusing to see failure as the end, but necessary feedback for improvement. By the way, ensure you download JAMB CBT Mobile App (for android mobile phones) and JAMB CBT Software (for Desktops and Laptops). Both of them have over 60000 past questions and answers to help you practice as many past questions as possible.

Make Time for Sleep

To work effectively, you need to rest. It can be hard to get some sleep when you have been studying all day or feeling stressed, but it is better to get to sleep at a reasonable hour and wake up early than to stay up for that extra hour. A young adult requires at least seven to nine hours of sleep.
ALSO READ : JAMB Announced Date For The sales of registration form & Exam Date for 2021 UTME

Get a Study Partner

Two good heads are better than one. It’s a good idea to find someone who’s in the same examination boat as you. You and your study partner will be accountable to one another, and it makes revision more interactive and enjoyable.

Exercise Regularly

Choose whatever activity you enjoy most. Going for a walk, jogging, running, swimming. Exercising helps to reduce stress levels and make you happier. Exercising gives you more energy and jumpstarts your brain for a good study session, it reduces the stress you feel about the exam.

Snack Up (Healthy)

Eat delicious but nutritious snacks. Munch on nutrient-rich snacks that will provide your body with important nutrients like vitamin E and vitamin K that are linked to boosting brainpower.

Eliminate Distractions

Phones can be a very big distraction, so be sure to put your phone on silent mode and keep it far from you, you should also turn off your internet access. It’s totally natural for your mind to drift, take a deep breath when you’re about to get distracted, then calmly bring yourself back to the task.

Think Positive Thoughts

If you feel good internally as you prepare for your exams, the chances of performing well are increased. Take time before exams to fill your mind with positive thoughts that will encourage you and get you fired up for action.

Don’t Be Too Hard On Yourself

You can only do the best you can, with what you’ve got right now. Exam stress is often the result of worrying about making mistakes. Accepting that there will always be room for improvement, and perfection doesn’t exist in anyone can help you ease up the tension.
Good luck, you’ll do great!