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Npower PPA Letter not downloading [Problem Solved 100%]

Npower PPA Letter not downloading

npower ppa letter not downloading?npower ppa letter,npower ppa letter sample,npower ppa letter nairaland,Npower ppa letter and Is Npower Deployment status out?
These are the top messages and request we got from Npower batch c beneficiaries. And In this article I will cover up everything about the problems above.
How do I check if I have been deployed and sample of acceptance letter giving to organization that you were deployed In this article you shall get the step by step guide to check your deployment status right away and how to write power acceptance letter to organization.
All Npower 2021 Batch C beneficiaries are to login to their NASIM dashboard for their deployment letter.

How to Check Your Npower Deployment Status

Step 1.  go to www.nasims.gov.ng/login
Step 2.  login with ur email or NPW-ID and password
Step 3.  at the right corner of your dashboard locate Deployment and click it.

Please you are to download your PPA/deployment letter and take it to your assigned supervisor in your place of primary assignment.

He will have to tick it, give it back to you, you are to reupload the acceptance letter back to NASIMS portal again.

Here is the Trick To Download Your N-power PPA Letter

So many npower batch c successfully beneficiaries have been finding it difficult to download their N-Power Place of Primary Assinment (PPA Letter) this trick that worked for me and a lot of my friends might also be works for you also.
First thing first, make sure you are using latest Chrome browser or update your Chrome Browser to latest version, Change the view to Desktop View.
After that, login to your npower dashboard and locate Deployment, and Tap on the Download PPA Button. (As usual an error message pops up)
Ignore the error message and keep tapping the Download Button non stop.
As for me, I kept tapping the Download Button for more than 3-5 minutes non stop, till I saw a download completed pop up on my notification.
So many people are trying to download at the same time, causing the error message.
Npower PPA Letter not sample
All you need is patience.
Keep tapping the download button non stop.
This trick worked for me, might also work for you, that’s why am sharing with you.
Give it a try and let me know if it works for you.