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Narrate the destruction of jerusalem by the babylonians and the captivity

Narrate the destruction of jerusalem by the babylonians and the captivity and list three causes of rebellion or social unrest in our society today.

Narrate the destruction of jerusalem by the babylonians and the captivity

Zedekiah was made king of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar sent troops against Jerusalem.

The siege lasted for nineteen months and the resultant ‘amine forced the king to attempt to escape from the doomed city by night.

He was overtaken, captured and sentenced. His sons were executed before his very eyes and was blinded and taken in fetters to Babylon.

Later, Nebusaradan (the captain of the body guard or a servant of the king of Babylon) came to Jerusalem with instruction to destroy the city. He burnt the temple, the king’s house and every great house.

The wall round Jerusalem was also broken down. Many more Israelites were taken to Babylon leaving only the poorest of the land to be vine dressers and ploughmen.

The last traces of the splendour of Solomon were also taken as booty to Babylon

narrate the destruction of jerusalem by the babylonians and the captivity and list three causes of rebellion or social unrest in our society today

List three causes of rebellion or social unrest in our society today

(i). Political instability and economic stagnation

(ii). Social injustice and suppression of truth

(iii). Desire of a group to dominate others politically and widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

Also Read: Discuss the communal living of the early church

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