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MTN 200 For 2gb Code For 7 Days 2024

MTN Nigeria has launched a new plan “MTN 200 For 2gb Code For 7 Days” for their customers based on their preferred data allocation preferences.

This New plan goes for N200 for 2GB data. Well, this plan is not available all over the country, and it is also not open to all users.Read on to know if you can get the new mtn 200 for 2gb code data offer from MTN.

MTN 200 For 2gb Code For 7 Days

Did you just get your MTN 200 for 2GB code? It makes me happy for you! Kudos to you for being so awesome and getting MTN airtime.

Now that you’ve got it, what do you do with it? Is there any way to get more airtime from it? And how exactly does the MTN 200 for 2GB work, anyway?

Many people keep requesting for a low-cost data plan that they may subscribe to and use to have a fantastic internet browsing experience.

You now have enough money to buy an MTN 2GB data plan for 200 Naira, but you need a functional activation code to continue.

There is no need to be concerned. You’ll receive a simple guideline in a few minutes on how to subscribe with the mtn 200 for 2GB code for 7 days.


All MTN customers who have switched to the iPulse Tariff Package will be eligible for this data plan. If your sim card is currently activated to iPulse, you are automatically qualified for the 2GB plan.

To get the 2GB data straight after dialing the activation number, you’ll need an airtime account balance of at least 200 Naira.

Also Read:Easy Guide On How To Increase Airtel Airtime Transfer Limit

But don’t get it twisted: the MTN Nightlife bundle is the one that gets you more data for less money spent on airtime.
You may have heard that the 2GB for N200 data package comes with a PIN, however this is not the case. All you’ll need is a functional USSD code to get started.


This can be done in a straightforward manner. The MTN nightlife bundle consists of two (2) major plans, which are as follows:

  • NightLife N25 – provides you 250MB
  • The NightLife N50 gives you 500MB of data.

On MTN, you can now receive 2GB for 200 Naira by subscribing to the Twenty-five naira package, which gives you 250 megabytes 8X. Alternatively, you can get the Fifty Naira (50), which provides you 500 megabytes 4X.

How to Activate MTN 2GB for N200

This 2GB activation code will only work if you reload your MTN sim with a minimum of 200Naira airtime.

To subscribe to the N50 package, dial *406*3*2#.

Now, by dialing the code four times, you can collect the data (4X). You have the option of signing up for the N25 plan eight times (8X). You’ll be OK with whoever you buy.

  • The above code can be used to purchase MTN’s 200 for 2GB data plan quickly.

In the meanwhile, you can subscribe manually and in stages. Please follow the instructions below.

  • To pick the NightLife plan, open your phone dialer app
  • and dial *406# Reply 4 or dial *406*3*2#
  • Select N25 or N50 now.
  • Send ‘1’ on the following menu to confirm your transaction.

It’s now time to start accumulating till the volume reaches 2GB. The bundle you select has an impact on how many times you’ll earn. That is all there is to it.

Who Is Eligible For The Program?

The MTN 200 for 2GB data plan is available to all MTN iPulse customers. You don’t need to migrate if you’re already an iPulse subscriber; you’re eligible by default (haha).
Those who are not currently on Pulse have the option of purchasing MTN’s 2GB data plan. However, you must be willing to give up your present tariff plan in order to obtain it.

To Migrate to MTN ipulse simply dial *406*1#


Check Your 2GB Data Balance With This Code

If you’ve been a long-time member of ZAMGIST, you know that I don’t play around with such sensitive information.
“Balancing Your Data” is a phrase that means “checking your data balance.”
The issue is that you cannot subscribe to a low-cost data bundle, such as the MTN 200 for 2GB data package. It’s all about keeping an eye on things and making sure you get the most out of what you’ve paid for.

What You need to know About the mtn 200 for 2gb code

MTN 200 for 2GB code is a great way to increase your online speed while keeping your data safe.
This code can be used to make a purchase on MTN, use the MTN app, or sign up for a new MTN account.
If you have an MTN account and use the MTN app, the MTN 200 for 2GB code will work just like any other code.
However, if you are using the website to make a purchase, the code will only work if you are purchasing at least 2 GB of data.

How do Contact Mtn Customer Care?

MTN customer care is a phone line that is used for customer service and to resolve any problems that may arise with MTN services. You can contact MTN customer care by calling 180 -MTN-NOW or by using the online customer service form.
If you are having a problem with your computer, phone, or anything else on your MTN account, you can contact customer care using one of the following methods:
1. reach out to our customer service team through the online customer care form or by calling 180 MTN-NOW.
2. reach out to our customer service team through the phone line at 180

How to stop data auto renewals on MTN

Do you have a problem with your MTN data auto renewal? If so, you might want to consider how to stop it. There are a few things you can do to stop the data auto renewal on your MTN account.
Here are a few ways to stop MTN data auto renewal:
1. Make sure you are signed in to your account and have the correct user name and password. If you do not have these items, contact customer service to get them for you.
2. Cancel your subscription for manual billing. This will stop the data auto renewals on your account.
3. Set up a time limit on your data allowance.