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Highlight The Lesson Of Suratul-Tin (Q.95)

Highlight The Lesson Of Suratul-Tin (Q.95)

Question: Highlight The Lesson Of Suratul-Tin (Q.95)

The importance of belief in God: Suratul-Tin (Q.95) emphasizes the importance of belief in God and the need to have faith in Him. The chapter begins by affirming that “by the fig and the olive” (Q.95:1), God has created human beings and has provided them with everything they need. The chapter also states that those who reject God and do not believe in Him will be punished in the hereafter (Q.95:3-4).

– The need to be grateful to God: Suratul-Tin (Q.95) also teaches Muslims the importance of being grateful to God for His blessings. The chapter states that God has provided humanity with “good things” (Q.95:6), and that those who are grateful to Him will be rewarded in the hereafter. The chapter also warns against being ungrateful to God, as this will lead to punishment (Q.95:7-8).

– The role of human effort and determination: Suratul-Tin (Q.95) also emphasizes the importance of human effort and determination. The chapter states that God has given humans the ability to “hear and see and understand” (Q.95:5), and that it is up to them to use these abilities to seek knowledge and wisdom. The chapter also encourages Muslims to strive and to “compete with each other in good works” (Q.95:9), as this will lead to success in this life and the hereafter.

Highlight The Lesson Of Suratul-Tin (Q.95)

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