Recount peter’s teaching on the obligations of a good citizen

Recount peter’s teaching on the obligations of a good citizen, and States three benefits of being a responsible citizen

Recount peter’s teaching on the obligations of a good citizen

In Peter’s teaching on good citizenship, he told the people to make themselves subject to every human authority.
It does not matter whether it is the emperor himself or the Governors sent by him to reward the just and punish the wicked because it is the will of God.

When they do this, according to Peter, they will silence the ignorance of fools.
Peter advised them to live as people who are free but also they should not use their freedom as a pretext to foment evil.

Peter told them to live as servants of God.
They must honour everybody, love the brotherhood. They must fear God and honour the emperor.

Recount peter's teaching on the obligations of a good citizen, States three benefits of being a responsible citizen

States three benefits of being a responsible citizen

(i) It enhances one’s personal sense of well-being
(ii) It can help ome get a good reputation
(iii) It improves society and brings about a positive difference to the society

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