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NECO GCE Literature In English Prose and Objective 2022

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NECO GCE Literature In English Prose and Objective 2022 Answers

(Section I)

The theme of women liberation is centered on feministic approach of Adah in liberation of some hinderance attached to women. Feminism is the belief and aim that women should have the same right and opportunities as men, and the struggle to achieve this aim. Adah as a feminist character is basically created to alter the circumstance surrounding her childhood and that of the foreign land (London) she finds herself. For instance, female children are less relevant and of low value in Ibuza, therefore, they are not given equal opportunities ascribed to the male children. Adah was given birth when everyone including her parents was expecting and predicting a boy. So she is seen as a disappointment to her parents and her tribe and that is why no one bothers to record her date of birth.

However, Adah who is not moved by any form of gender bias, inequality, or what her society thinks about her gender braces the odd to challenge the status quo. At first, she forces herself to school when she is already eight years old since her parents have refused to register her in a school based on their notion about her gender. Her parents, Pa and Ma sincerely believe that education for the girl-child makes her irresponsible and pompous. At this time, Boy, Adah’s brother is already a student of Ladi-Lak institute, the most expensive school in Lagos. She envies Boy initially which later grows to frustration and sadness.

She derives joy in disobeying her parents just to draw their attention to her plight of not being registered in a school with Boy, until her parents become less considerate a bit and have her registered in a Methodist school around the corner which is very cheap. This is made possible through ceaseless feminist protest and women libration, especially when Ma is punished by police for child neglect.

As a feminist, Adah extends her silent and harmless protest to her marriage to a man who is brainwashed by African traditional belief that has relegated the women to the background. Francis’s notion about women is narrow and drab. He sees women as sub-humans, to be explored, exploited, used, and abandoned to wallow in misery. It is true that Adah decides to be the breadwinner of her family at the inception of their union, the role that is meant for the male folks. She sustains her family, (husband and four children), pays all the bills as well. This is because she learns very early to be responsible for herself, even when nobody is interested in her for her own sakes, only in the money she is fetching for the family.

Her sojourn to a foreign land and unfortunate marriage to Francis seems like misery slavery and bondage in totality. Her determination, desire, and freedom from male-dominated society which has subjugated the womenfolk and treats them as merchandise make her a true feminist. Also, her ability to detach herself from the shackles of Francis maltreatment is another attribute that warrants attention.

NECO GCE Literature In English Prose and Objective 2022

(Section I – BONUS I)

Mr Cole is the kind teacher from Sierra
Leone whose class Adah wanders into at the
Methodist School in Lagos when Adah
sneaked out of the house to go to school, as
her parents would not send her to school on
their own.
Mr. Cole is Adah’s neighbor. He is a handsome, huge young Sierra Leonean who teaches at the school that Adah goes to when her parents refused to enroll him at the tender age of eight. Mr. Cole willingly accepts Adah into the class and advises her to come some other time. Adah, opened up that she comes to school when the parents don’t allow her to…, Adah bellows and Mr. Cole responds “Yes, of course, she could again if she likes, But if her parents would not allow her to come, he would take it upon himself to teach her the alphabet.

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(Section I – BONUS II)
(i) Plot narrative style: Unlike most Nigeria prose narrative, which is usually linear, Agyei – Agyiri uses cyclical narration plot. Events in the plot structure are not narrated chronological, rather the novelist narrates the event in an alternate manner for instance, the novelist tends to talk about events surrounding Mama Orojo and leaves part of the event half way to discuss Nii before he comes back and complete it.

(ii) Omniscient point of view: The story is narrated using the omniscient or third person point of view, which involves the narrator knowing everything that happens in the society, including character’s thoughts. In the novel, a lot of information about the two principal character and past events are provided to the reader by the narrator. It is the narrator that tells us the situation in the Ghanaian society.
There is also a mixture of a participatory first person limited narrative voice to describe how Mama and her parents died on the way to Nigeria when the Ghana government enacted law about alien Compliance Order asking all alien who did not have residential permit to evacuate the country. There is influx of the use of first pronoun, me, us, us,me, etc.

(iii) Symbolism: The setting of the novel is symbolic of the social, political and social malaise which is terribly affected. The novelist employs symbolism as a metaphor for social disintegration as he describes the novel as “the story of a nation in labour”. The two countries especially Ghana is likened to a woman who is about to deliver of a baby when nobody knows what she will give birth to.
Also, Nil’s wife, Massa whose terminal illness is the note on which the novel opens, represents the physical replica of the political, social and moral decay. She represents the nation in labour, hanging precariously in air. Like the collapsing state of Ghana looking at her “it was difficult to tell whether she was just Iying silent or dying” (8). Her dying state is symbolic. of a dying nation which no long has neither the capacity nor the decency to contain its own people. Her death marks the end of Ghanaian society.

(Section I – BONUS III)

The need of reunion is another important theme explored in the novel. It is about two siblings who long to meet each other, after fifteen years of traumatic separation by the vicissitudes of life. Their reunion is symbolic of the possible settlement of two warring country, Nigeria and Ghana. In the novel, Nii Talkie who is based in Ghana and Mama Oroji based in Nigeria are two Nigerians blood relation, separated by two deportations. The first one occurred which Mama Orojo was still young and living with her parents when the Ghana government enacted a law of Alien Compliance Order in 1969, forcing all aliens without resident permit to regularize their stay in the country. Her great grandparents had migrated to Ghana several years ago.

The reason for this separation is that the opposition party had accused aliens of ruining the country or the government of the time had made mess of its management of the affairs of the Ghanaian economy and blamed their failure to do things right on the aliens. Their journey to Nigeria was hectic and uneventful as so many people died in the truck while on their way including her own parents. Her endless search for her brother, Nii is met with enormous stress and pains. She goes back to Ghana to search for Nii, starting from Expense Bank, where Nii worked briefly to make ends meet. Mama in company of Joe visits so many places in search of her brother all to no avail. Not until fate smiles on her in Nigeria.

However, the road to reunion is not also smooth on the part of Nii Talkie. It is not without a bitter or agonizing price to pay. Nii experience a bit of suffering lack, pains, sorrow and hatred in Ghanaian a result of harsh Ghanaian economic. Nii, though an Assistant Manager at Expense Bank, he still engages in part time teaching job to meet up his needs.

The anxiety and worry about his wife, Massa who is diagnosed of a terminal sickness and her eventual death at Korofidua hospital fights him greatly. Nii abandons her corpse at the hospital to take refuge in Nigeria. Also, Nii escapes economic hardship in Ghana and goes to Nigeria in search of his family in order to start life anew, armed with the conviction that with a Yoruba tribal mark and a family name, he would easily trace his root to his family. His arrival in Nigeria coincides with another deportation in Nigeria, asking all aliens, about three million in number to leave within two weeks. Nill soon finds out that it takes more than a tribal mark and family name to claim citizenship. He should understand or speak one Nigeria language. Finding his life balanced or knife edge, he must walk the tight rope of negotiating his way to the ancestral fold at Ijase. This does not happen without a huge price to pay to accomplish it. Nii is captured alongside his friend. Aaron Tsuru and others at the Nigerian border after Nii is severally beaten by the man who conveys him to the border over certain amount of money said to pay. Captured by one of the security agents, Nii and others are taken captive as slaves to work in a cassava farm. His attempts to escape fails woefully until the government decide to ameliorate the situation by asking all aliens to be taken to Haji camp. Nii and Aaron escape and head straight to Ijase.

Fortunately, Nii’s journey to Ijase is not without tears and anguish as he lost his dearest companion, Aaron Tsuru shortly before he meets his sister, Mama after fifteen years of separation. It is dawn on Nii that it is a thing of joy to live through difficulties knowing that there is hope as this unexpected joy occasioned by his sudden reunion with his sister, Mama is seen as an invigorating one.

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(Section II)

(i) Point of View:
The novelist employs first person narration using the narrator as the central narrator throughout the novel. We understand the story to be his perception; he is speaking out about his experience and, as he says in the epilogue, hopefully shedding light on things we might not have realized. This treatment of other characters actually mirrors the way he himself has been treated; aside from the narrator. The narrator’s experience and narration is semi-autobiographic in nature.

(ii) Irony:
Irony involves expressing the opposite of what one believes to be true. Examples of irony include the narrator’s desire to follow in Dr. Bledsoe’s footsteps, which he ultimately does, even though he is expelled from college; the narrator’s desire to see Dr. Bledsoe exposed as a “chitterling eater,” when he himself is so exposed by the drunk at the Chthonian; and the image of Mary’s bank exploding, shortly after the narrator tells us that his head is about to explode. The ultimate irony is that the Invisible Man, obsessed with the blindness of others, is blinded. He refuses to see the truth even when others point it out to him.

(iii) Humor:
Ellison coins new terms and creates his own language. Having established the traits and eccentricities of a character, the character’s name conveys a certain action or activity. Examples include “Bledsoing,” referring to his sunglasses as “Rineharts” and expressing his intent to “out-Tobitt Tobitt.”

(Section II – BONUS I)

Black exploitation and marginalization is show race relation. Racism is the discrimination between two different races. In the novel, racism is seen or treated as obstacles to individual identify. As the invisible man who is a black American struggles to arrive at a conception of his own Identity, his efforts are fruitless because of the fact that he is a black man living in a racist American society. Throughout the novel, the narrator finds himself passing through a series of communities, from the Liberty Paints plant to the Brotherhood, with each charming out rules or ideas of how blacks should behave in the society. The more the narrator attempts to define himself through the values and expectations imposed on him, the more he’s forced to play an inferior role in his society.

When he arrives in New York, the narrator enters the world of the Liberty paints plant, and it achieves financial success by making the blacks play lesser role over the white. There, the narrator finds himself involved in a process in which white depends heavily on black both in terms of the mixing of the paint tones. The factory denies the black of the final presentation of its product. Racial discrimination is also seen when the narrator joins the Brotherhood, he believes that he can fight for racial equality by working with the ideology of the organization, but he then finds out that the Brotherhood only seeks to use him as a token black man in its abstract project.

Also, the narrator also realizes that the racial prejudice of others causes them to see him only as they want to see him, and their limitations of vision in turn, place limitations on his ability to act. He concludes that he is invisible because the world is filled with blind people especially the white counterparts, who cannot or will not see his real nature. They cannot also see the plights of the black in a white dominated society. Consequently, the narrator is unable to act according to his own personality and becomes literally unable to be himself. As a result, the narrator initially embraces his invisibility in an attempt to throw off the limiting race relation. In the end, he determines to emerge from his underground to make his own contribution to society as a complex individual still on Liberty Paints Plant, the work force is primarily blacks but the final product is handled by the whites. This is quite ironic because their slogan is “If it’s optic white, it’s the Right white” There is also a sign outside of the building that reads “keep America pure with liberty paints”. This is a form of racism in itself because they only produce white paint, and they say that they are keeping America pure.

Also, the narrator grandfather’s opinion made us to be conscious of racism. On his grandfather’s opinion, they should pretend to be good slaves, behaving as their former master’s wish and on the other hand, they should remember their resentment and bitterness and fight against this fake identity, and that is the only way blacks can deal with racial discrimination.

In conclusion, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Invisible Man describes an American society, and his quest for freedom and self-nature makes the black call attention to their value and destiny. The novelist creates a black, image who will have self-reflection on racial issues. The narrator’s college, represented by Dr. Bledsoe, thinks that blacks can best achieve success by working hard and adopting the manners of speech of whites, while Ras the Exporter believes that blacks should rise up and take their freedom by destroying the whites.

(Section II – BONUS II)

Symbols provide in-depth understanding of the prose narrative. They include the following:

(i) Wuthering Heights: The title of the novel is symbolic of the incidents in the story “Wuthering” refers to that which is windy or willowy. It represent instability or “unsettled”. This is symbolic of the events or series of conflict in the novel, some of which result to numerous death and a few others resolved in the end.

(ii) The Moors: Moors are open areas, wet, wild and infertile. As the play opens. Lockwood fears walking through the moors at night. Catherine and Heathcliff spend much of their childhood rambling on the moors, symbolizing their wild nature. Both of them are buried on the moors because of the wild personality they represent, Moors also symbolize danger, so does the love between Catherine and Heathcliff.

(iii) Whether: The serious winds present at the Heights symbolize the hardness and the problem that the inhabitants need to battle with. Wind and rain for instance, are present when Mr. Earnshaw dies and when Heathcliff departs from Wuthering Heights and when Heathcliff dies.

(iv) Ghosts: Ghosts in the novel are ambiguous. They portend danger and they also symbolize past events. Their appearance at the Heights helps the character to remember them. Ghost also add an element of mystery and excitement to the story. The appearance of Catherine’s ghost also emphasizes just how much Catherine was in love with Heathcliff.

(v) Suspense and Palimpsest Narration: Emily Bronte creates atmosphere and suspense using her own artistic technique known as palimpsest which involves the use of narratives within narratives, Bronte uses Lockwood and Nelly (Ellen) Dean to narrate the events in the novel. The use of suspense is great which span from the progression of the first generation character and that of the second generation. The reader should be spellbound to know what happens to Heathcliff but are mystified when he turns a new leaf before his eventual demise.

(Section II – BONUS III)

Class and show of power are explored in this novel as it has always been in nineteenth century. England, where social class is determined by the amount of power people had. In the Victorian Era, social class was not solely dependant upon the amount of power a person had, but rather, the source of income, birth and family connections played a major role in determining one’s position in society. Most people accepted their place in the hierarchy. In addition to money, manners, speech, education and values revealed a person’s class. The main classes were the elite class, the middle class and the working class.

In the novel for instance, the Lintons are the most elite family and Thrushcross Grange is superior to Wuthering Heights, yet they are not members of the upper class of society, rather they are the professional middle class. The characters in the novel feel the need to raise their societal status and in most cases they either fall at doing so or end up depressed and alone. Heathcliff for instance, changes his social status the most and seeks to dominate everything and everyone throughout the novel. He starts as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool. Fortunately, a respected gentleman Mr. Earnshaw takes Heathcliff away from Liverpool to the countryside in northern England and raises him as his own. Thus, Mr. Earnshaw elevates Heathcliff from the lower class to the aristocrat class as a country gentleman. The residents of wuthering Heights immediately reject Heathcliff, but his child-like desire to be accepted makes him want to remain in spite of the physical and emotional abuse. His ability to endure this abuse, creates a desire in him to upgrade his social position.

Moreover, when Catherine rejects Heathcliff because he cannot advance her socially. he leaves Wuthering heights to change into a wealthy gentleman. He returns to prove to Catherine that he can be a powerful and respected member of the society. His love for her consumes him and obsesses over her to prove himself to her. His obsession with Catherine represents his desire for power and status. Heathcliff’s desire to own Catherine demonstrates his appetite for power, class and to heighten his social status because she embodies everything he wants, wealth power and recognition from society. Catherine’s death ignites his desire for power because the desire for power motivates him exceedingly when she dies. Her death causes him to spin out of control and become even more obsess with power. Now that he has nothing left, he feels the need to be wealthier and more powerful.


Heathcliff’s desires to want to dominate everything and everyone around him make him a “Capitalist Villain” and not a “Marxist Hero” because he does not want to destroy the social classes he wants to control them. Because of these desire, Heathcliff does anything to acquire more power including using and abusing those closest to him. He uses the Linton to establish this. His union with Isabella elevates his social status. He then exploits Isabella Linton to gain more money and land. Heathcliff believes that by marring her, he will collect the Linton’s inheritance when Edgar dies. He sees Isabella as an asset to those at his disposal because of her youth and nativity. Worse still Heathcliff also manipulates his son, Linton thereby forcing him to marry Catherine when his inheritance plan with Isabella backfires.
Contrarily, Catherine’s desire for power differs tremendously from Heathcliff because instead of chasing after social status, she desires to maintain hers. Her high born status means that she does not like to work for her social class like Heathcliff. Catherine’s desire for power stems, she desires to maintain a high social status. She is an incredibly narcissistic character because she only thinks of herself and does everything to better her status regardless of the feeling of others. She does not think of why she loves Edgar and only sees herself being the lady in the neighborhood with the highest social status. She makes a selfish decision and leaves Heathcliff, who represents a non-society based relationship that would lower her social status, and marry Edgar because she knew he can elevate her on the social ladder because the Linton have a higher level of respect in society than the Earnshaw family. The only normal and socially correct relationship occurs between Catherine Linton and Hareton Earnshow. Young Cathy and Hareton are the only children in the novel, born of pure aristocratic blood.


NECO GCE Literature In English Objective 2022