NECO GCE Civic Education Answer 2023/2024

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NECO GCE Civic Education Answer 2023/2024

NECO GCE Civic Education Answer 2023/2024




Community service refers to voluntary activities performed by individuals or groups to improve the well-being of their local community or society as a whole. It involves contributing time, effort, or skills for the betterment of others without receiving any financial gain

(i) Environmental clean-up: Organizing a clean-up event in your neighborhood or local park can help improve the environment and make the area more pleasant for everyone. This can involve picking up litter, planting trees, or promoting recycling initiatives.
(ii) Food drives: Organize a food drive to collect non-perishable food items for those in need. This project can help combat hunger and provide support to individuals and families facing food insecurity.
(iii) Tutoring and mentoring programs: Start a tutoring or mentoring program to provide academic support and guidance to students in your community. This can be particularly beneficial for students who may be struggling academically or who lack access to additional educational resources.
(iv) Elderly care: Reach out to local nursing homes or senior centers and offer to spend time with the elderly. Activities can include reading to them, engaging in conversations, or assisting with daily tasks. This project promotes companionship and social interaction for the elderly, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness.
(v) Health awareness campaigns: Conduct health awareness campaigns to educate the community about important health issues. This can involve organizing workshops, seminars, or health fairs focusing on topics such as nutrition, mental health, or disease prevention. By promoting health and wellness, this project can improve the overall well-being of individuals in the community.
(vi) Community gardens: Start a community garden to promote sustainable food production and foster a sense of community. This project can bring people together to cultivate and share fresh produce, provide educational opportunities about gardening and nutrition, and create green spaces within urban areas.


(i) Education: A well-rounded education system that focuses not only on academic learning but also on character development and moral values can help promote a good value system in society. Schools can provide opportunities for students to learn and practice values such as honesty, empathy, and respect.
(ii) Family: The family unit plays a vital role in shaping an individual’s values. Parents and caregivers can instill moral values in children through their words, actions, and interactions. Strong family bonds and the presence of positive role models can have a profound impact on the development of a good value system.
(iii) Media and Entertainment: The media and entertainment industry have a significant influence on society. Promoting positive values through movies, TV shows, books, and digital media can help shape the values and beliefs of individuals. Responsible media portrayal can encourage empathy, tolerance, and respect for diversity.
(iv) Community Engagement: Active participation in community activities and organizations can foster a sense of belonging and collective responsibility. Community engagement provides opportunities for individuals to learn, share, and practice values such as social justice, compassion, and cooperation.
(v) Role Models and Leadership: Effective leadership and the presence of positive role models can inspire individuals to adopt and uphold good values. Leaders who display integrity, fairness, and accountability are more likely to influence society positively and promote a value system that encourages ethical behavior.


Leadership can be defined as the ability to guide, motivate, and influence a group of individuals or followers towards the achievement of a common goal. It involves taking charge, making decisions, and ensuring the team moves in the right direction

(i) Communication: A good leader possesses excellent communication skills. They can effectively convey their ideas, expectations, and feedback to their team members. They are also good listeners, actively seeking input and feedback from others.
(ii) Integrity: A good leader leads with integrity. They are honest and trustworthy, consistently demonstrating ethical behavior. They set a positive example for their team members and hold themselves accountable for their actions.
(iii) Vision: A good leader has a clear vision for the future. They are able to articulate this vision to their team and inspire them to work towards it. They set challenging goals and provide guidance on how to achieve them.
(iv) Empathy: A good leader understands and empathizes with their team members. They take the time to listen to their concerns and support their personal and professional growth. They consider the needs and perspectives of others when making decisions.
(v) Adaptability: A good leader is adaptable and flexible. They are open to new ideas and approaches, and are willing to change course when necessary. They can navigate through challenging situations and find creative solutions.
(vi) Resilience: A good leader is resilient in the face of adversity. They remain calm and composed under pressure, providing a sense of stability for their team. They learn from failures and setbacks, using them as opportunities for growth.


(i) Supreme Court
(ii) Appellate Court
(iii) Trial Court

(i) Independence: The judiciary must be independent from the influence of other branches of government or individuals to ensure impartiality and fairness in decision-making. This includes financial and administrative independence.
(ii) Impartiality: Judges should be neutral and objective, making decisions solely based on the facts and the law without bias or personal interest. This helps to build confidence in the judicial system.
(iii) Judicial Review: The power of the judiciary to review and interpret laws and determine their constitutionality. This allows the judiciary to hold other branches of government accountable and protect individual rights.
(iv) Due Process: The judiciary must ensure that individuals are treated fairly and according to the procedures and protections guaranteed by law. This includes the right to a fair trial, legal representation, and access to evidence.
(v) Transparency: The judiciary should operate with openness, making its decisions and reasoning accessible to the public. This promotes accountability and helps to maintain public trust in the legal system.
(vi) Integrity: Judges and other judicial officers should demonstrate high ethical standards, acting with honesty, fairness, and without corruption. This is essential for maintaining the credibility and effectiveness of the judiciary.


(i) Lack of freedom: Both human trafficking and slavery involve the deprivation of a person’s freedom. In modern-day slavery, victims are coerced, tricked, or forced into labor or sexual exploitation against their will, just like slaves were in the past.
(ii) Exploitation: Human trafficking is driven by the demand for cheap labor and sexual services. Similarly, historical slavery revolved around the exploitation of enslaved individuals for economic gain.
(iii) Control and ownership: Just like slaves in the past, human trafficking victims are owned and controlled by their traffickers, who exercise authority over their lives and make decisions on their behalf.
(iv) Physical and psychological abuse: Human trafficking often involves physical and psychological abuse, including sexual violence, torture, and manipulation. These forms of abuse were prevalent in historical slavery as well, where slaves were subjected to brutal treatment.
(v) Economic factors: Modern-day slavery is driven by economic factors such as poverty, inequality, and lack of opportunities. Similarly, historical slavery was fueled by economic interests and the need for cheap labor.
(vi) Global dimension: Both human trafficking and historical slavery have a global dimension, as they involve the movement of people across borders and exploitation occurring in different countries.
(vii) Legal recognition: The international community recognizes human trafficking as a form of modern-day slavery. Numerous international conventions and protocols, such as the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol, aim to combat human trafficking and protect the rights of victims. This legal recognition further underscores the connection between human trafficking and slavery.


Democracy is defined as a form of government where power is vested in the people, who exercise it either directly or through elected representatives. It is characterized by free and fair elections, protection of individual rights and liberties, and a system of checks and balances.

(i) Rule of law: This means that all individuals, including both citizens and government officials, are subject to and must abide by the laws of the land.
(ii) Separation of powers: This principle divides the powers and responsibilities of government between three branches:
(iii) Protection of fundamental rights and freedoms: These rights are enshrined in a constitution and are protected by the government. The protection of fundamental rights ensures that individuals can freely express their opinions and participate in political processes without fear of repression.

(i) Constitutional Conferences: The Nigerian constitution has been shaped through constitutional conferences that have taken place throughout its history. These conferences bring together representatives from various regions and groups to discuss and negotiate the terms of the constitution.
(ii) Legislation: Laws passed by the Nigerian legislature also contribute to the development and amendment of the constitution. These laws often address specific issues or provide guidelines for constitutional interpretation.
(iii) Judicial decisions: Judicial decisions made by the courts in Nigeria have also influenced the interpretation and development of the constitution. Court rulings help to clarify and apply constitutional provisions, contributing to the overall understanding of the constitution.
(iv) Customary law: In Nigeria, customary law plays a significant role in the legal system, particularly in areas of personal law, land tenure, and traditional governance.
(v) International treaties and agreements: Nigeria is a member of various international organizations and has ratified several international treaties and agreements. These international agreements often impact the domestic legal framework, including the constitution.


A drug is a substance that affects the body and alters its normal functioning. It can be in the form of medications prescribed by doctors or illegal substances like cocaine, heroin, or methamphetamine.

(i) Health consequences: Drug abuse can lead to various health problems such as addiction, overdose, heart diseases, mental disorders, and even death. This puts a strain on healthcare systems and affects the overall well-being and productivity of individuals in society.
(ii) Crime and violence: Drug abuse often leads to criminal activities as individuals engage in illegal activities to obtain drugs or finance their addiction. This includes drug trafficking, theft, and violence related to drug disputes. These criminal acts can destabilize communities, increase fear, and reduce overall safety in society.
(iii) Economic burden: Drug abuse places a significant economic burden on society. It can lead to decreased productivity, increased healthcare costs, and additional expenses for law enforcement and criminal justice systems. These financial burdens can affect the overall development and progress of a society.
(iv) Family and social problems: Drug abuse can have devastating effects on families and social relationships. It can lead to broken families, domestic violence, child neglect, and strained relationships. The social fabric of a community can be weakened as individuals struggling with drug abuse may isolate themselves and face stigmatization from others.

(i) Education and awareness: Educating individuals about the dangers of drug abuse and promoting awareness about the potential consequences can help prevent drug abuse. This includes providing information in schools, communities, and through media campaigns.
(ii) Access to treatment and support: Ensuring that individuals struggling with drug abuse have access to appropriate treatment and support services is crucial for prevention. This includes providing rehabilitation programs, counseling services, and support groups.
(iii) Strong law enforcement and regulation: Strict law enforcement and regulations can help control the availability and distribution of drugs. This involves cracking down on drug trafficking and ensuring that illegal substances are not easily accessible in society.
(iv) Building resilient communities: Creating strong and supportive communities can help prevent drug abuse. By promoting a sense of belonging, providing positive role models, and fostering opportunities for engagement and personal growth, communities can help individuals steer away from drug abuse and lead healthy lives.



(i) Plebiscite: Plebiscite refers to a direct vote by the people of a country to decide on a specific issue or question. It is a form of direct democracy where the government seeks the opinion of the citizens to make important decisions. Plebiscites are often used to determine the public’s opinion on constitutional changes, territorial disputes, or major policy decisions. The results of a plebiscite are usually binding, meaning that the government is required to act in accordance with the majority vote.

(ii) Flexible constitution: A flexible constitution, also known as an elastic constitution, is a constitution that can be easily amended or changed. It allows for greater flexibility and adaptability to accommodate evolving societal needs and circumstances. In a flexible constitution, the process to amend or change the constitution is relatively simple and does not require a high threshold of approval. This allows the constitution to be easily modified to address new challenges or issues that may arise over time.

(iii) Coup d’etat: Coup d’etat is a French term that translates to “blow of state.” It refers to the sudden and usually illegal seizure of power by a small group, typically military or political leaders, taking control of the government. A coup d’etat is often characterized by the use of force or threat of force to overthrow the existing government and establish a new regime. It is considered a non-constitutional means of transferring political power and is generally condemned by the international community.

(iv) Decree: A decree is a formal and authoritative order or decision issued by a governing body, such as a national government or a court of law. It has the force of law and is binding upon the individuals or entities to whom it applies. Decrees are often used to implement or enforce laws, regulations, or policies. They can cover a wide range of issues, including matters of public administration, national security, or legal procedures. Decrees are usually issued by individuals or bodies with the authority to do so, such as heads of state or legislative bodies.

(v) By-law: A by-law is a local law or regulation enacted by a municipality or other local government authority. By-laws are typically specific to a particular jurisdiction and are used to address local or regional matters that are not covered by national or state laws. By-laws commonly cover issues such as zoning, licensing, noise control, building codes, and public health regulations. They are enforced by local authorities and can carry penalties or fines for non-compliance.

(vi) Edict: An edict is a formal proclamation or order issued by a sovereign or high-ranking authority. It typically carries the force of law and is binding upon the individuals or entities to whom it applies. Edicts often pertain to matters of public policy, administration, or justice. They are used to make significant declarations or announcements, enforce existing laws, or establish new regulations. Edicts can be issued by monarchs, governments, or other ruling bodies and are generally binding within the jurisdiction of the issuing authority.

(vii) Rigid constitution: A rigid constitution is a constitution that is difficult to amend or change. It usually requires a formal and often lengthy amendment process, which often involves the approval of multiple branches of government or a special body. This rigidity ensures that the constitution remains stable and enduring, providing a framework for the government and protecting individual rights and liberties. Rigid constitutions are often associated with federal systems of government, where the distribution of power between the central government and regional entities is clearly defined and protected.


NECO GCE Expo 2023 Questions and Answers

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