NECO GCE Christian Religious Studies 2023 Questions And Answers

NECO GCE Christian Religious Studies 2023 Questions And Answers

The National Examination Council (NECO GCE CRS 2023) Has Scheduled NECO GCE Christian Religious Studies 2023 Paper to Kick off today 23rd November 2023.


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I will like to remind you that both neco gce gce christian religious studies 2023 essay and objective questions and answers are now available with us.

NECO GCE CRS Answers 2022

The war between the Israelites and the Canaanites during the time of Deborah started when Israel cried to the Lord following the oppression that came from the Canaanites. God raised Deborah, a prophetess, who following God’s instructions, summoned Barak the son of Abinoam from Kedesh. When Barak arrived, Deborah informed him that the Lord God of Israel had commanded him to gather at Mount Tabor ten thousand men from the tribe of Zebulun and the tribe of Naphtali. She added that God had promised to draw Sisera (the general of the army of King Jabin of Canaan), to meet Barak by the river Kishon with his chariots and his troops. Deborah concluded by confirming that God would give victory to Barak. Barak insisted that he would go to battle on the condition that Deborah went with him. Deborah agreed to go with Barak, pointing out that the glory of victory would not go to Barak but to a woman chosen by God. Barak summoned his army — ten thousand men and Deborah went up with him to Mount Tabor.
On hearing that Barak had gone up to Mount Tabor, Sisera called up his men to war against Barak and Deborah. Deborah ordered Barak, “up! For this is the day the Lord has given Sisera in to your hand”. In response, Barak went down with his army against Sisera and the Lord routed Sisera and all his chariots / army before Barak. Sisera, having lost his entire army, fled on foot to the tent of Jael, the wife of Heber, who offered him hospitality. While Sisera slept, Jael drove a tent peg into his temple and he died.

(i) Deborah was courageous and intelligent: This can be seen in the manner she handled the affairs of the war. She convinced Barak to obey God’s command and eventually humiliated the Canaanite army.
(ii) Deborah was obedient and humble: She responded to God’s call. She allowed God to use her as an instrument of victory hence she did not complain when God sent her to Barak / she trusted in God.
(iii) She motivated Barak to go to war by agreeing to go with him. She served as a source of motivation / inspiration.

Paul admonishes everybody to subject themselves to the governing authorities, for God Himself permits all authorities. He asserts that those that exist are either authorized or permitted by God to operate. Therefore, anybody who resists the authorities is resisting God and will incure this judgement, for leaders are not appointed to be a terror to good conduct but to bad conduct. If any one is to avoid being afraid of authorities, he must do what is good and right, then he will receive approval from the authority for he is God’s servant for His goal. However, if one does wrong, then one will be afraid, for the authority does not wield the sword in vain. He is the servant of God to execute God’s wrath on the wrong doer. Therefore, every one must be subject to civil authority to avoid God’s wrath. For the sake of conscience, they should pay respect to whom it is due and honour to whom honour is due.

(i) Obeying all laws and regulations of the school
(ii)Applying oneself fully to school work, studies and games including extra-curricula activities
(iii) Paying of fees as and when dues

After the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Peter gave a powerful speech and about three thousand converts were made, and became part of the early church.
The new converts were then baptized.
Their life was characterized by a strong bond of fellowship because they were of one heart and soul.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teachings and fellowshipping together.
Fear came upon them as wonders and signs were performed by the apostles.
Their togetherness was shown in the practice ofjoint ownership of possessions! property.
They shared the proceeds among themselves according to their needs, and there was no needy person among them.
Day by day, the Lord added to their number.
They devoted themselves to breaking of bread from one house to another with gladness and sincerity of mind.
They praised God and had favour with all the people. They prayed together.
The apostles gave testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and grace was upon them.
Those who had land or houses sold them, and brought the money to the apostles to be shared. No one owned what he possessed.
Notable among the donors was Joseph, also known as Barnabas who willingly sold his field and brought the money and laid it at the apostles’ feet,
However, Ananias and Sapphira his wife, were not sincere in giving out their possession and were instantly punished.
Another important event which nearly marred! destroyed the unity of the Church was the unfair distribution of provisions. However, this was resolved by the appointment of the deacons

(i)Signs and wonders were very common in the early church and therefore, there is need to pray for God’s presence and the power to heal.

(ii)Fellowship was held in people’s homes. There is no need to waste resources to build expensive churches /temples/ cathedrals

(iii)The Holy Communion was frequently taken. This should be emulated and need to evangelize the word, of God.

As the soldiers led Jesus along the road to Calvary, they seized Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross of Jesus. At Golgotha, they offered wine mingled with gall to Jesus who tasted and rejected it. After crucifying him, they divided his garments by lot and they sat down to keep watch. Over his head was the inscription, “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” Two robbers were crucified with him (one on either side). Passers-by mocked Jesus: ‘you who would destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself if you are the son of God/come from the cross’. Chief priests, scribes, and the elders mocked him saying, ‘if you are the king of Israel, come down from the cross and we shall believe’. Even the two robbers crucified with him mocked him. From the sixth hour, there was darkness all over to the ninth hour and he cried, ‘Eli, Eli, lamasabachthanr meaning ‘My God, my God, why has thou forsaken me’. Bystanders said he was calling Elijah, let us see if Elijah would come to save him. They gave him vinegar to drink. Jesus cried with a loud voice and gave up his spirit.
The centurion and the guards who were filled with awe said, “Truly this man was the Son of God.” The ministering women who were looking from afar (including Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of James, etc) were all there and witnessed the event. In the evening, Joseph of Arimathea sought and obtained permission from Pilate to bury the body of Jesus. He took the body, wrapped it in clean linen and buried it in his (rock hewn) tomb.

(i)The Lord Jesus came into the world to die.
(ii)The Lord Jesus died willingly, voluntarily.
(iii)The Lord Jesus died as a sacrifice for sin, to put away sin.

Zedekiah was made king of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar sent troops against Jerusalem. The siege lasted for nineteen months and the resultant ‘amine forced the king to attempt to escape from the doomed city by night. He was overtaken, captured and sentenced. His sons were executed before his very eyes and was blinded and taken in fetters to Babylon. Later, Nebusaradan (the captain of the body guard or a servant of the king of Babylon) came to Jerusalem with instruction to destroy the city. He burnt the temple, the king’s house and every great house. The wall round Jerusalem was also broken down. Many more Israelites were taken to Babylon leaving only the poorest of the land to be vine dressers and ploughmen. The last traces of the splendour of Solomon were also taken as booty to Babylon

(i)Political instability and economic stagnation
(ii) social injustice and suppression of truth
(iii) desire of a group to dominate others politically and widening the gap between the rich and the poor.

Jesus met the Samaritan woman by the well and asked her to give him water to drink. She wondered how a Jew could ask her, a Samaritan, for a drink. Jesus told her that it was a pity that she did not know the person that was asking her for a drink. He said, if she had known, she would have asked him for living water. The Samaritan wondered how he could provide water without a vessel to get the water from such a deep well.
She said she was sure, he could not be greater than Jacob, the great grand father of the Israelites who gave them the well which Jacob himself and all descendants and their animals drank from. Jesus said emphatically that whoever drank of the water that he would give would never thirst again, for the water he would give would become a spring of water to eternal life. The woman ask Jesus to give her the water so that she might not thirst nor come to the well to draw water again.

(i) In Jesus, there is no discrimination.
(ii) Christian supercedes Judaism.
(iii) Jesus has come to give eternal life and men should desire it.