NABTEB O-LEVEL CRS – Www.zamgist.com.ng
Justice has to do with moral rightness based on ethics, religion, rationality, law, fairness and equity. It illustrates applications of the notion of proper balance: a fair trial, which among other things depicts neutrality and fairness between the ability of the defendant and prosecution to establish innocence and guilt respectively.
(i)It defends people from racism
(ii)It protects people with disabilities
(iii)It ensures everyone gets adequate healthcare
(iv)It protects people from ageism
(v)It protects people from religion-based discrimination
(i)It defends people from racism; Discrimination based on race is another huge issue in most societies. It can make it hard for people to find work, live in peace, marry who they want, and more. A major trait of social justice is that people of every race can live well and have equal opportunities.
(ii)It protects people with disabilities; Disability rights have been ignored and neglected for many years, but with social justice on the rise, people are finally getting a voice. Those with both visible and invisible disabilities (like mental illness) are often discriminated against in their workplace, in healthcare, and more. For social justice to truly be justice for all, disability rights need to be included.
(iii)It ensures everyone gets adequate healthcare; The importance of good health can’t be overstated. It’s a matter of life and death. A society’s healthcare system determines who gets what services, and how much they have to sacrifice to get the care they need. When people strive for social justice in healthcare, they are working for better and more affordable insurance plans, access to medication, and more.
(iv)It protects people from ageism; As people get older, they are often discriminated against simply because of their age. They might get fired from their job in favor of someone younger, or get treated with disrespect in their daily lives. Ageism, as a form of discrimination, falls under the scope of social justice.
(v)It protects people from religion-based discrimination; A person’s religion is a central part of them, and freedom from religious discrimination falls right into the lap of social justice. Many countries have laws that discourage religious freedom, while others fail to enforce protections. Social justice advocates want all religions to be free and safe, including a person’s right to not follow any religion.
(i) A constitution refers to the basic principles and laws of a nation or state that determine the powers and duties of the government and also provides the platform or base for determining the fundamental rights and duties of the people. It is also a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organisation is acknowledged to be governed.
(iii) Political parties are an organised group of people with at least roughly similar political aims and opinions, that seeks to influence public policy by getting its candidates elected to public office. They can link the governmental institutions to the elements of the civil society in a free and fair society and are regarded as necessary for the functioning any modern democratic political system.
(iv) Civil societies refers to any non-governmental entities formed by a group of people with similar interests who come together to work on a common cause. It is a society in which each individual is allowed to pursue their own separate interest, as long as it does not harm anyone else.
(v) Armed forces are military forces authorized to use lethal or deadly force and weapons to support the interests of the state and some or all of its citizens. They are typically officially authorized and maintained by a sovereign state, with its members identifiable by their distinct military uniform
(vi) Free press is a situation whereby the press has the opportunity to freely express its opinion and national views on national issues. Such freedom implies the absence of interference from an overreaching state, its preservation may be sought through constitution or other legal protection and security.
A cultist is a person who practice excessive devotion to a figure, object, or belief system, typically following a charismatic leader
(i)Revenge; Revenge against others is another major reason why students join cults. In a bid to get back at those who had wronged or injured them, they join cults and hide behind its shadows to perpetuate their dastardly acts.
(ii)Popularity: People love the feeling of been feared, they love the feeling of being popular negatively, and to achieve this, they simply join up because they want to be popular and dreaded by other students on campus. The result as we all know is that they end up living in a perpetual state of fear and hiding from rival cult members
(iii)Quest for Power: Many students want to feel superior and more powerful than other students, so they join cult groups to give themselves this false feeling of superiority.
(iv)Search for Protection: They join cult groups in the quest to be protected from being intimidated by others, especially cult members. After joining these cults they soon discover that they are not being protected at all but instead their lives have been kept on the line.
(v)Ignorance: lot students have joined secret cults in pure ignorance. They were lured to the meeting by an old member under the guise of escorting them to “somewhere”. And once initiated, denouncing your membership is never an easy option.
(vi)Peer Group Influence: Many students join cult groups following persuasion from their friends who are already members. This is why it is very important to keep the right company of friends at all times.
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Youth empowerment is a development programme aimed at creating opportunities that will encourage and develop the youths to be morally responsible, self-reliant and financially product citizens. It is also known as the process of giving young people opportunity to develop the ability they need to become peo who can influence their communities.
(i) Good Education Standard; Youth empowerment will help youth understand the importance of soft skills training and education that will definitely lead towards making a better Standard education system.
(ii) Crime Reduction; Empowering the youth will help to understand the crimes on a deeper level and that will make sure that they stand against anti-social activities. Empowerment enables individuals with a mindset that helps them to differentiate between what’s wrong and what’s right and choosing a path of justice, truth, and peace.
(iii) Poverty Eradication; When youths are equipped with the essential skills, those skills will help them to lead a better life later. It’s like an investment in their present which will pay off in the future. Youth empowerment will help to increase the employability of youth which will add to the GDP of the nation and national economy.
(iv) Better Standing of living; Empowering the youths is important as they are the future of the country, it will be a stepping stone towards attaining a better tomorrow. Empowering them will help to learn and achieve which will add up for their future and help them to live a standard life.