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List four importance of agriculture in Nigeria

List four importance of agriculture in Nigeria and enumerate three features of non-governmental organizations in agricultural development

List four importance of agriculture in Nigeria

(i)Protection of the Environment
(ii)Employment of Labour
(iii)Preservation of Species
(iv)Provision of Raw Material

Enumerate three features of non-governmental organizations in agricultural development

(i). Non-Profit in functioning: An NGO is not meant for making profit for personal gain.
(ii). Values: An NGO should address a social, cultural, economic or political cause and should work towards public good.
(iii). Voluntary: NGOs are voluntary associations.

List four problems of communal land tenure system in Nigeria

(i)Land cannot be pledged, sold or used as collateral by an individual
(ii)Those with means, but who are not members of the community, find it difficult to get land for farming activities/non-indigenes of the community cannot acquire land or have access to it
(iii)There is tendency to neglect parcels of useful land as no one readily considers it his/her interest to protect it from degradation.
(iv)It is characterized by litigations and mis-understanding Mechanized farming cannot be practised without permission of the whole community.

List three disadvantages of wind power in farming operation

(i)it is a variable energy source.
(ii)it cannot be generated on demand.
(iii)They farms are dependent on wind blowing

(i)Avoid splashing.
(ii)Avoid spilling.

List four importance of agriculture in Nigeria

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