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Aisha Najamu Izzar So Phone number and Biography 2023

Aisha Najamu Izzar So Phone number and Biography 2023

Are You Among The Fans Of Aisha Najamu Izzar So And Looking For Aisha Najamu Phone Number, Aisha Najamu Biography, Aisha Najamu Age And Aisha Najamu Net Worth 2023.

If yes, count your self lucky for been here, as we have posted the full info about Aisha Najamu Phone Number, Aisha Najamu Biography, Aisha Najamu Age And Aisha Najamu Net Worth 2023.

Before we go deep into this article, let’s get to know who is Aisha Najamu Izzar so.

Who Is Aisha Najamu Izzar so

Aisha Najamu who is better known as Hajiya Nafisa Izzar So, She is one of the rising Kannywood actresses.

Aisha najamu became famous after her appearance in the movie izzar so who has a lot of followers on youtube.

After an interview with BBC Hausa, she stated that she is not proud in reality as she shows in the program Izzar So.

She was asked why she doesn’t like to wear makeup, she replied that she doesn’t wear makeup, she only applies powder when she goes out.

Aisha Najamu Biography

Aisha Najamu was born on 4th october 1996 in Jigawa state. Aisha will be 27 years old in 2023.

Aisha Najamu Izzar so obtained her primary and secondary school certificate in Kano State, where she later went to university and study business administration.

She joined the Kannywood film industry in 2919 after graduating from university.

She started to make a name for herself by appearing in the movie izzar so. Izzar so hausa series film made Aisha Najamu famous all over the world.


Marital Status

After an interview with BBC journalist, Aisha najamu said that she had married before, but not now she is single and once she find a husband she will get married again.

Aisha Najamu Phone Number

Aisha Najamu’s fans are really looking for her phone number so they can say hello to her, that’s why on this page I’m going to give you the easiest way to get her phone number.

The first thing you have to do is go to her Instagram page, send her a greeting message, and then ask for what you need from her.

She will respond to you with her phone number very fast when she observed that you are there for a business adverts or for some reasonable issues.

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Aisha Najamu Wiki Bio Data

Name:                �Aisha Najamu

Nick Name:      �Hajiya nafisa izzar so

Born:                   4th october, 1996

Age:                    �27 years old (2023)

State of origin:�Jigawa state

Nationality:      �Nigerian

Tribe:                  �Hausa fulani

Profession:�       Actress

Net worth:        �N3 million

Relationship:   �Single

Aisha Najamu Net worth 2023

As of 2023, Aisha najamu has an estimated net worth of 3 million naira.

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