2023 NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers Expo

2023 NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers

The National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) Has Scheduled The 2023 Nabteb Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers Paper To Kick of on Monday 3rd July, 2023.

This brings the attention of candidates writing the exam in to searching for 2023 NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers, NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Expo 2023, and etc.

2023 NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers

In this section, you will read the steps and requirements needed for you to get Nabteb Computer Craft Studies 2023 Questions And Answers before exam.

NABTEB Computer Craft Studies 2023 Paper is Categorized in to 2 parts:

  • NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Theory 2023
  • NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Objective 2023

Here on zamgist, we have solved all the questions. That is 2023 NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers


2023 NABTEB EXPO 2023 NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Questions and Answers
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NABTEB Computer Craft Studies Expo 2023

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Waec Computer Craft Studies Answer 2023



(i) Windows
(ii) macOS
(iii) Linux
(iv) Android
(v) iOS (for iPhones and iPads)
(vi) Chrome OS (used in Chromebooks)

The Control Unit (CU) is responsible for controlling the flow of instructions and data within the CPU. It fetches instructions from memory decodes them and coordinates the execution of these instructions. It manages the various components of the CPU and ensures that the instructions are executed in the correct sequence.
The Arithmetic and Logical Unit (ALU) performs mathematical calculations and logical operations on data. It carries out tasks such as addition subtraction multiplication division comparison operations and bitwise operations. The ALU is responsible for performing these calculations and producing the desired results based on the instructions provided by the control unit.

(i) COBOL is often used in large scale business software development especially for financial systems and banking applications.
(ii) Many older systems built with COBOL still require maintenance and updates making COBOL programmers valuable for these tasks.
(iii) COBOL is well-suited for handling large volumes of data in batch processing scenarios.

(i) FORTRAN is widely used for numerical and computationally intensive tasks commonly found in fields like physics engineering and research.
(ii) FORTRAN’s strong support for mathematical computations makes it popular for developing mathematical models and simulations.
(iii) FORTRAN is often used in high-performance computing environments where speed and efficiency are crucial.

(i) BASIC was historically used as a beginner-friendly language for teaching programming concepts.
(ii) BASIC can be used to develop straightforward applications such as text-based games simple utilities and prototypes.
(iii) With its ease of use and quick development capabilities BASIC has been used for rapid prototyping of applications.


Real-time processing refers to the ability of a computer system to process and respond to data or events immediately as they occur without any significant delay.


-Batch Processing-
(ii) Data is collected over a period of time and processed in batches.
(ii) Processing occurs offline and usually at scheduled intervals.
(iii) It is typically used for tasks that do not require immediate results.
(iv) It is less complex and easier to implement compared to distributed processing.
(v) It is more suitable for handling large volumes of data.
(vi) It may have longer processing times since it requires processing a large amount of data at once.

-Distributed Processing-
(i) Data is processed in real-time or near real-time on multiple interconnected systems.
(ii) Processing occurs simultaneously across different machines or nodes.
(iii) It is used for tasks that require immediate results or real-time interactions.
(iv) It is more complex and requires coordination between multiple systems.
(v) It allows for scalability and fault-tolerance since processing can be distributed across different resources.
(vi) It may have shorter processing times as tasks are divided and processed in parallel.

(i) Data loss or corruption: Viruses can delete overwrite or modify files leading to loss or damage to important data.
(ii) System instability: Some viruses can cause system crashes freezing or general instability making it difficult to use the computer.
(iii) Unauthorized access: Certain types of viruses such as trojans or backdoors can provide unauthorized access to your computer allowing hackers to steal sensitive information or control your system.
(iv) Reduced performance: Viruses can consume system resources such as CPU or memory resulting in slower performance and decreased efficiency.
(v) Privacy breaches: Viruses designed for surveillance or data theft can compromise your personal information including passwords credit card details or online activities.
(vi) Network disruption: Some viruses can spread across networks affecting multiple computers and causing network congestion or downtime.


A syntax error refers to a mistake or error in the syntax or structure of a programming language. It occurs when the code does not follow the correct syntax rules of the language being used. This can include missing or misplaced punctuation incorrect use of keywords or other syntax-related mistakes.

(i) DIM N AS INTEGER: This line declares a variable named N as an integer.
(ii) DIM M AS SINGLEv This line declares a variable named M as a single-precision floating-point number.
(iii) DIM SUM AS SINGLE: This line declares a variable named SUM as a single-precision floating-point number.
(iv) SUM = O: This line assigns the value 0 (zero) to the SUM variable.
(v) FOR N = 1 TO 20 STEP 2: This line sets up a loop that starts with N as 1 increments N by 2 in each iteration and continues up to 20.
(vi) INPUT M: This line takes input from the user and stores it in the M variable.
(vii) SUM = SUM + M: This line adds the value of M to the SUM variable.
(viii) NEXT N: This line signifies the end of the loop and moves to the next iteration.
(ix) END: This line marks the end of the program.

FOR I = 1 TO 10
INPUT “Enter a positive number: Num
IF Num > 0 THEN
PRINT “Square of “; Num; ” is “; Num * Num
PRINT “Invalid number!”

This program uses a loop with the variable I to iterate 10 times. Inside the loop it prompts the user to enter a positive number checks if it is positive and if true calculates and displays the square of the number. If the entered number is not positive it displays an error message.


The advantage of a hard disk over a floppy disk is its larger storage capacity. Hard disks can store significantly more data than floppy disks allowing for the storage of larger files and applications.

(i) Increased storage capacity: Secondary storage devices such as hard disks or solid-state drives (SSDs provide larger storage capacities compared to primary storage.
(ii) Data persistence: Data stored in secondary storage remains intact even when the device is powered off or restarted making it a reliable form of long-term storage.
(iii) Data backup: Secondary storage devices allow for the creation of backups ensuring the protection and recovery of important data in case of primary storage failure.
(iv) Portability: Many secondary storage devices such as external hard drives or USB flash drives are portable and can be easily transported between different systems.
(v) Faster access to data: Secondary storage devices typically offer faster read and write speeds compared to primary storage which can make data retrieval quicker.
(vi) Cost-effectiveness: Secondary storage devices tend to be more cost-effective in terms of storage capacity per unit cost compared to primary storage options.

(i) Powering on the system: The computer is turned on which activates the POST (Power-On Self-Test) process.
(ii) POST (Power-On Self-Test): The computer’s hardware components such as the processor memory and storage are tested to ensure they are functioning properly. If any issues are detected error messages are displayed.
(iii) Boot loader execution: After the POST is successfully completed the boot loader program is executed. It is responsible for loading the operating system into memory.
(iv) Operating System (OS) loading: The boot loader locates and loads the operating system files from the designated storage device (e.g a hard disk) into the computer’s RAM (Random Access Memory).
(v) Initialization and configuration: The operating system initializes various software components and hardware drivers configures system settings and prepares the computer for user interaction.
(vi) User login: Once the OS has finished loading the user can log in and begin using the computer.


A website is a collection of interconnected web pages and related content that is accessible over the internet. It is hosted on a web server and can be accessed using a web browser.

(i) Open a web browser: Launch a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
(ii) Enter a search engine’s website: Go to a popular search engine such as Google Bing or Yahoo.
(iii) Type the keyword: In the search bar enter the word “computer” as the search query.
(iv) Initiate the search: Press the Enter key or click on the search button to initiate the search. The search engine will return relevant results based on the keyword.

(i) Mozilla Firefox:
Mozilla Firefox is a web browser that allows users to access websites on the internet. It provides a graphical interface to navigate web pages supports various web technologies and offers features such as tabbed browsing bookmarking and extensions.

(ii) Modem:
A modem is a device that connects a computer or a local network to an internet service provider (ISP enabling access to the internet. It converts digital data from the computer into a format suitable for transmission over the communication lines of the ISP and vice versa. Modems can use various technologies such as DSL cable or fiber optic to establish an internet connection.

(iii) Server:
In the context of connecting to the internet a server refers to a computer or a system that hosts websites or provides services over the internet. When you connect your system to the internet your web browser communicates with various servers to retrieve web pages send emails access online resources and perform other internet-related tasks. Servers store and deliver the requested content or services to the client systems such as your computer.


The Explode command in AutoCAD is used to break down a complex object into its individual components or elements such as lines arcs curves or blocks. It is commonly used to edit or modify objects by separating them into their basic parts. This command is helpful when you want to manipulate specific components of an object separately.

(i) Type “Offset” into the command line or access it from the Modify toolbar or Ribbon.
(ii) Specify the distance or offset value at which you want to create parallel lines.
(iii) Select the object you want to create parallel lines from.
(iv) Choose the side or direction of the offset lines with the “Inside “Outside or “Both” options.
(v) Click or specify the points where you want the parallel lines to be placed.

(i) Move:
The Move command is used to relocate or move objects from one location to another within a drawing. It allows you to select objects and then specify a base point and destination point to move the objects.

(ii) Rotate:
The Rotate command is used to rotate objects around a specified base point. It can be used to change the orientation or angle of objects within a drawing.

(iii) Fillet:
The Fillet command is used to create a rounding or arc between two lines curves or other objects. It helps to create smooth transitions between various elements within a drawing.


In AutoCAD blocks are predefined objects or collections of objects that can be reused in a drawing. Blocks are created by grouping and combining various objects together such as lines arcs text or shapes and then saving them as a single entity. Blocks can be inserted into multiple drawings and shared among different users making them useful for standardizing and reusing common elements within a project.

(i) Type “Units” into the command line or access it from the Drawing Utilities toolbar or Ribbon.
(ii) In the Drawing Units dialog box select the desired unit type such as inches feet millimeters etc.
(iii) Specify the desired precision or accuracy for the unit display.
(v) Click “OK” to apply the changes.

(i) Grid:
The Grid in AutoCAD is a series of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines that help with aligning objects and providing reference points. It can be toggled on or off and is adjustable to different spacing or increments.

(ii) Snap:
The Snap feature in AutoCAD allows objects to be precisely aligned and placed according to specific points or grid lines. It can be set to snap to endpoints midpoints intersections and other defined points making it easier to draw accurately.

(iii) Polar coordinates:
Polar coordinates in AutoCAD are a different coordinate system used for placing or locating objects. Instead of using traditional X Y (Cartesian) coordinates polar coordinates use distance and angle measurements from a base point. The distance is defined as the radius and the angle is measured in degrees or radians from the positive X-axis. This coordinate system is particularly useful when working with circular or radial designs.

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