NABTEB GCE CRS Questions and Answers 2023

NABTEB GCE CRS Questions and Answers 2023

Today 9th December, We posted NABTEB GCE CRS answers 2023: NABTEB GCE CRS Questions and Answers 2023.

NABTEB GCE CRS Answers 2023



King Ahab allowed Jezebel, his wife to introduce the worship of Baa! and Asherah in Israel. God’s anger was provoked He therefore sent Elijah, the prophet, to pronounce drought famine on the land.
Ahab then accused Elijah of being the cause of the drought in Israel, Elijah also blamed Ahab for allowing the worship of Baal in Israel which made people forsake God.
Elijah, therefore, requested for the contest on Mount Carmel to determine who was supreme in Israel, Yahweh or Baa!? Elijah asked Baal prophets to sacrifice a bull on an altar and call on Baal to send fire to consume the sacrifice. Similarly, Elijah would also sacrifice a bull on an altar and ask God to send fire to consume it.
According to Elijah, the God who answered by fire would be the true God of Israel. The Baal prophets took their turn first, but they could not send down tire. They even cut themselves with knives and lances without, any effect. Elijah then mocked them, saying their god may be on a journey or asleep.
Elijah took his turn, built an altar with twelve stones, and requested that trenches be made around the altar and water poured into them. Elijah offered a simple prayer and immediately God sent down fire to consume the sacrifice. The people declared, “The Lord, He is God, the Lord He is God”.
The supremacy of God of Israel was thus established. Elijah had the Bea! prophets, slain at the Brook Kishon. After the contest God was shown to: be greater than Baal. Shortly after the contest, there was rain in Israel, thus ending the drought.

(i) The supremacy of God cannot be challenged or doubted
(ii) The true worship of God encourages good morals
(iii) Hardship sometimes comes from God to punish and redirect us. God punished idolatry because it is total disobedience to God
(iv) God works through human beings
(v) God is omnipresent


(i) Love is patient
(ii) Love is kind and is not jealous
(iii) Love does not brag and is not arrogant
(iv) Love does not act unbecomingly
(v) Love is not easily angered

(i) Love can be expressed through giving
(ii) Love is demosntrated by showing kindness to someone or being helpful to someone
(iii) Love can be expressed by praying for others
(iv) By visiting the less privileged homes
(v) By passing some courageous comments or maybe give beneficial advice

(6)Judas Iscariot
(7) Matthew
(9)James, the son of Alpheus
(11)Judas Thaddeus
(12) Simon Zelotes

According to Mathew’s account, Jesus walked by the sea of Galilee. He saw Simon Peter and Andrew his brother, fishing They were fishermen. Jesus told them to follow Him. He added that He would make them fishers of men. They left their tools and followed him at once. From there, He saw two other brothers James and John the sons of Zebedee. They were in the boat with their father mending their nets. Jesus asked them to follow Him and they responded immediately. Leaving their father and the boat behind, they followed him.


Skill acquisition is the art of learning to do something in order to earn a living and or to survive. There are different types of professionals e.g. fine artists, mechanics, potters, vulcanizers, etc. from whom one can learn trades in order to earn a living. Learning to read and write is a skill you acquire at school.

Empowerment is the degree of autonomy and self-determination in people and in communities. This enables them to represent their interests in a responsible and self-determined way, acting on their own authority.

(i)Individual empowerment.
(ii)Gender empowerment.
(iii)Social empowerment.
(iv)Educational empowerment

(i)Better Financial Management
(ii)Improved Strategic Planning
(iii)Crisis Management Capabilities and better Decision-Making Ability

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NABTEB GCE CRS Questions 2023

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